It's an easy concept to believe all Dental professionals are the knowledgable, caring individuals that have our best interests in mind.
Sadly, this page exposes a darker side of that profession called Dental Malpractice and one we're becoming more privy to through the advent of social media.
I present these stories as a warning to others in the hopes of preventing future harm.
This page is not intended to defame any one healthcare professional and/or entity but to list reported dental abuse cases provided thru media sources.
The need for change grows stronger with each passing day and the stories listed here are just a few validations of that fact!
"One cannot be inherently ethical in a monetary system"-J. Fresco
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Arizona dentist with criminal history has license suspended after patient dies in his chair
An Arizona dentist, who is facing a disciplinary hearing on his license after a woman died in his chair, has red flags in his background dating back 20 years. Dr. Thomas Endicott pleaded guilty to healthcare fraud and overprescribing narcotics in Michigan in 2005, according to court records.
Heber City man dies after 9 teeth pulled at student dental clinic
According to his death certificate, Joshua Cordery died of lung damage caused partly due to a bacterial infection known as streptococcus intermedius bacteremia. A medical examiner wrote Influenza A and bronchopneumonia also contributed to the lung damage.
“He died on Valentine’s Day,” sighed Jamie Cordery, looking at photos of her husband from a happier time. “We got married in 2011. It will be ten years this year... This is him holding our daughter up. She was five when he passed away. She’s six now. She looks just like him. Every day, I see him in her.”
Five Things We Found In The FDA’s Hidden Device Database
The Food and Drug Administration released two decades of previously hidden data containing millions of injuries or malfunctions by medical devices. Here’s what we’ve learned so far.
There were 2.1 million reports for bad dental implants. And 114,200 were reported last year.
This kind of implant goes into the bone to support an artificial tooth or implant. Many of the reports were for problems with connections between the device and the bone.
“A lot of people have gone out and gotten these and probably don’t know about these risks,” said Madris Tomes, a former FDA manager who now runs a website to make the notoriously clunky MAUDE easier to work with.
Dental implants were among the last device types to lose permission to report harm via alternative summary reports instead of the public database. Although the device harm data doesn’t include what happened to patients, Tomes said that if a dental implant has to be removed, it often can’t be replaced because the underlying bone is so damaged.
Felberbaum said that the high number of reports for dental implants is expected because these are commonly used devices, and that more companies have brought new products to market in the past two decades.
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Could your dentist be destroying your teeth?
Antonia Hoyle says that the NHS payments system is open to abuse
Antonia Hoyle was shocked to discover she has chronic gum disease, despite regular checkups with her NHS dentist. She is not the only one disappointed with the standard of dental care.
The flaws of the current system of delivering NHS dental care have been well documented by dentists, patients’ representatives and politicians, adds Dr Milne. Although reform of the dental contract is under way, progress, he says, has been painfully slow.
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Momentum builds to end the largest mercury use in U.S.A. - dental amalgam
Momentum builds to end the largest mercury use in U.S.A. - dental amalgam
A coalition of 50 environmental, public health, and children's rights groups called for an end to the controversial filling material – dental amalgam – in American children, and for a two-year general phase-out in its use in the United States. Supporters include many major national nonprofit groups, including Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Health Care Without Harm, Clean Water Action, Consumers for Dental Choice, and Learning Disabilities Association of America.
Once the mainstay of dentistry, amalgam is now in sharp decline and is discontinued in several countries. Despite its deceptive name "silver fillings," amalgam's main component is actually mercury, a neurotoxin and a heavy metal.
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Dentists keep dying of this lung disease. The CDC can’t figure out why.
The dental professionals were 23 times more likely to have IPF than the rest of the population, the CDC said in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Seven of the patients were dead, and two more were dying of a rare chronic, progressive lung disease that can be treated but not cured.
It’s estimated that about 200,000 people in the United States have Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) at any one time.
But the common denominator of a small group of patients at a Virginia clinic over a 15-year period is worrying the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Eight were dentists; a ninth was a dental technician.
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Thousands of Galveston County dental patients may have been exposed to diseases
"I cannot get it out of my head," said former dental patient Tasha Wycoff. "My heart just dropped."
Patients who learned they may have been exposed to serious diseases at a Texas City clinic are angry and scared.
Galveston County Sheriff’s Office deputies would not allow reporters to enter the Coastal Health and Wellness Clinic on Saturday afternoon following the health department’s bombshell admission that thousands of the clinic’s former dental patients may have been infected with serious diseases.
“Careless, plain and simple careless,” Wycoff said. "They obviously didn’t care enough to sanitize. They’re going into everybody’s mouth.”
“It is very scary,” said Galveston County Health District head Dr. Philip Keiser. Galveston County has CHWC dental clinics in Galveston and Texas City. The clinics are federally funded and serve the county’s low-income and indigent residents. Some of the patients pay only a few dollars for the services and others pay nothing.
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Did Pennsylvania Mom Who Stood Up to Dental Bullying Uncover Massive Pediatric Dental Fraud Nationwide?
Mom Stands Up to Dental Bullying When Dentist Threatens to Call CPS Over Missed Dental Appointment.
We have found that Department of Justice settlements for pediatric dental fraud cases are some of the largest fraud settlements in healthcare, especially in relation to billing medicaid for unnecessary child dental services.
When a Pennsylvania mother posted a threatening letter on Facebook from her children’s former dental practice, Smiles 4 Keeps, which threatened to report her to Child Protection Services if she did not keep a dental appointment for her child, a firestorm erupted.
The Smiles 4 Keeps letter received by Trey Hoyumpa has ignited commentary from thousands of parents and patients across the nation telling their stories of dental abuse, bullying, and fraud at the hands of pediatric dentists.
Health Impact News was the first to report the story in the media, and since then, mainstream media sources have also picked up on the story. Responses to the letter have been passionate and prolific, prompting coverage from local media in Pennsylvania to national media sources such as Yahoo News to national political commentator Michelle Malkin.
Much Appreciation to Dental Supporter Catherine Nichols Pogorzelski for sharing the story!
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Dentist who performed surgery on teen who died after procedure relinquishes license
KISSIMMEE, Fla. - A local dentist who performed routine oral surgery on a teen who later died after that procedure has given up his license with the Florida Department of Health.
It was supposed to be a routine procedure, but Power never woke up. An autopsy revealed Power stopped breathing causing irreversible brain damage. He was in a coma for two days before he died. A report with the Florida Department of Health said Baxter failed to keep proper records of the sedation process. Baxter is also accused of “failing to render CPR to [Power] until emergency services arrived at the scene.” Baxter has voluntarily relinquished his license with the Florida Board of Dentistry.
Much Appreciation to Dental Supporter Dana Herbert for sharing the story!
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Patients harmed by dental students at university training school
The General Dental Council raised concerns about nine serious incidents at Aberdeen Dental School.
the school’s fragile reputation has suffered a further damaging blow through a 52-page GDC report in which its inspectors catalogue a long and damning list of errors and deficiencies.
Most worrying for some, it includes the revelation that up to 12 NHS patients were “harmed” last year by poorly supervised and stressed senior students working under unreasonable pressure towards their final examinations. Many of the patients required remedial treatment to correct the errors that had been made.
The report, which was quietly published deep inside the GDC website in January, eight months after the GDC inspectors had visited the school, is the third consecutive critical inspection of the school that has revealed significant issues.
Much Appreciation to Dental Supporter Suzan Addison Shinazy for sharing the story!
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The day my dentist called the police to remove us from his office | Chief Joseph Dental Clinic in Lewiston, ID
Are we alone in this strange string of events? Has anyone else been kicked out of their dental office because they refused a treatment?
A play by play patient perspective blog on their experience at a Lewiston, ID. dental office.
Much Appreciation to Dental Supporter Dana Herbert for sharing the story!
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Inside decades of malpractice allegations against N.J. pediatric dentist
Legal trouble for Kevin Ward’s pediatric dental practice began more than three decades ago when a young patient died from a deadly dose of anesthesia. But after having his license suspended and then revoked, Ward was eventually allowed to return to dentistry.
Here is a look a Ward’s tarnished record at the Children’s Dental Center in Union City, as well as allegations that he used rusty dental equipment in an office that officials say was ridden with bedbugs.
Much Appreciation to Dental Supporter Dana Herbert for sharing the story!
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Police: Dentist charged patients for high-end crowns, gave them cheap ones
Avon, N.Y. (WHAM) - A dentist in Livingston County pleaded not guilty Monday to grand larceny charges.
Dr. Michael Oros, 57, worked at Avon Family Dentistry on West Main Street in the village of Avon.
According to court paperwork, Oros billed people for nearly $12,000 for "high noble crowns." Police say Oros would then give the patient low-end crowns and pocket the difference.
Oros allegedly billed patients incorrectly for nearly four years - from January 2012 through the end of November 2015. This totaled $11,821.54.
Oros is also accused of allowing an uncertified dental assistant to do unauthorized treatments of various patients, including the creation of Occlusal night guards.
Much Appreciation to Dental Supporter John Micheal Schumacher for sharing the story!
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3-Year-Old Girl Dies During Dental Procedure
Two California parents are searching for answers after their 3-year-old daughter died during a routine dental procedure.
Araceli Avila brought her daughter, Daleyza Avila Hernandez, to Children's Dental Surgery in Stockton, California, after being referred there by another dentist. KTXL reports that the 3-year-old girl was set to have two teeth pulled and have caps placed on two other teeth.
"All I did was I took my daughter to the dentist because they were going to fix her teeth, and about 30 minutes later they brought her back dead."
Much Appreciation to Dental Supporter Sande Giroux for sharing the story!
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Children at Risk? Kids and Sedation at the Dentist’s Office
An NBC Exclusive with Megyn Kelly
Megyn Kelly is one of America’s most prominent news anchors, known for her ability to focus on breaking stories, as well as in-depth investigative reports, newsmaker interviews and human interest pieces. Kelly uses her skills as a former litigator to press for real answers to the questions most on viewers’ minds.
Watch this informative newscast on the current protocols in place with regards to sedation and why you need to be concerned!
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Grieving Parents Shelve 'Caleb’s Law' Rather Than Dilute It: Dental Lobby Prevails Again
The Sears family set out to change the law to give very young children an extra layer of protection when they’re operated on by a dentist.
After two years of advocacy, research and heart-wrenching public testimony, their appeal suffered a major defeat Monday when a Senate panel refused to vote for the family-backed bill. Saying that moving ahead with a diluted version would do “incredible harm” to their effort to advance children’s safety, the assemblyman carrying the legislation opted instead to shelve the bill. The decision effectively kills the bill for at least a year—and marks a win for Sacramento’s influential dental lobby.
“It’s a horrible disappointment,” Tim Sears said afterward, as he and his wife Eliza received hugs from friends and family in the hallway outside the hearing room.
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Dentist in toddler death case sues multiple national media outlets
The Austin dentist involved in the accidental death of a 14-month-old Daisy Lynn Torres in 2016 is suing multiple national media outlets over their coverage of the case.
Dr. Michael Melanson filed the lawsuit on Tuesday in Travis County against CBS Studios, the Nancy Grace Show, Time Warner Broadcasting, Associated Newspapers North America, Mail Media, FHT Media Holding and www. healthnutnews.com.
Documents obtained by the Austin American-Statesman state that Melanson said the outlets committed libel and slander by publishing and broadcasting a report from Dr. Robert Williams, an independent forensic dental examiner. Melanson said Williams' report, which questioned why he performed the procedure on Torres, was inaccurate.
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Texas dentist will NOT be disciplined after 14-month-old girl died following 'unnecessary' cavity fillings
A Texas dentist will not face disciplinary action over the death of a 14-month-old girl who died after she was given six 'unnecessary' cavity fillings, according to her parents lawsuit.
Daisy Lynn Torres died from anesthesia complications on March 29, 2016, after the procedure performed by Dr. Michael Melanson at the North Austin Medical Center.
A lawsuit filed by her devastated parents Elizandro Torres and Betty Squier, claims that their daughter's autopsy showed no sign of decay and that the work was carried out for financial gain.
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Anaheim dental clinic where children contracted serious infections to reopen Monday
Children’s Dental Group has received permission from county public health officials to reopen the Anaheim office where 68 pediatric pulpotomy patients contracted serious mycobacterial infections from the water.
Starting Monday, the Lincoln Avenue dental office will see patients after a four-month closure. Since the outbreak was discovered last September, the clinic was twice closed by the Orange County Health Care Agency.
Thank You Dental Supporter Suzan Shinazy for the story!
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The Oral-Systemic Connection & Our Broken Healthcare System
Say Ahh, the world's first documentary on oral health, takes a sobering look at the state of our national healthcare system. Say Ahh presents the story that the answer to our health problems is right under our noses, right inside our mouths. It showcases the unsung heroes of our medical industry: our dentists and dental teams. Say Ahh looks to serve as the connective tissue between dental health and overall physical health. This documentary illustrates how, by taking a proactive approach to health care, we can arrest the decline in our health, saving billions of dollars and millions of lives.
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In Case You Miss It On The Righteous Read Page!
Well Worth Reading!
The Tooth Divide: Beauty, Class and the Story of Dentistry
"On the high end of the $110 billion-a-year dental industry, there are veneers for $1,000 each, “gum contouring” and more than $1 billion per year spent on tooth whitening products. A dentist tells Otto that members of his profession “once exclusively focused upon fillings and extractions, are nowadays considered providers of beauty.” And thanks to decades of deregulation, allowing medical advertising and then medical credit cards, they are doing well at it — according to a 2010 study, dentists make more per hour than doctors.
Otto’s book begins and ends with the story of Deamonte Driver, a 12-year-old Maryland boy who died of an infection caused by one decaying tooth, and the system that failed him. In pointing out the flaws in that system, Otto takes us back through the history of dentistry and shows us how the dental profession evolved, separately from the rest of health care, into a mostly private industry that revolves almost entirely around one’s ability to pay. In other words, all of the problems with health care in America exist in the dental system, but exponentially more so."
Thank You Dana H. for the story!
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Washington boy, 4, dies after going under anesthesia for routine dental procedure
A 4-year-old Washington boy has died after going in for what was supposed to be a routine dental procedure.
Thmeka Curry said she took her son, Mykel Peterson, Friday to Must Love Kids pediatric dental practice in Vancouver, Wash., for his appointment. The soon-to-be 5-year-old was getting crowns put on some of his teeth.
Curry said her son had been a patient at the dental practice before, but this time when Mykel was given anesthesia he never woke up.
According to KOIN 6 News, Curry said instead of giving Mykel gas to put him under an anesthesiologist gave him a shot and she rocked him to sleep.
Thank You Dana H. for the story!
Stamford dental practice owner admits to wire fraud
The owner of a city dental practice who used the records of a retired dentist to bill insurance companies for more than 10 years of work that was never performed has pleaded guilty to wire fraud.
Elena Ilizarov, 44, of Stamford, faces up to 20 years in jail for bilking the insurance companies of nearly $600,000, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.
According to the federal complaint, Ilizarov fraudulently obtained the retired dentist’s records in 2005 and used the information to bill insurance companies through her practice, Advanced Dentistry, which has an office at 999 Summer St. The dentist did not perform those services, the release said.
Insurance companies paid about $581,729 to Advanced Dentistry between 2011 and 2015 for services reported to have been provided by the dentist, who retired in 2011, the release said.
Thank You Dana H. for the story!
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Trooper, dentist, body shop owner arrested in insurance fraud scheme after crash
The trio was arrested Tuesday on charges of filing a false insurance claim and organized scheme to defraud.
A Florida Highway Patrol trooper, a body shop owner and a dentist are facing charges in connection with an insurance fraud scheme nearly two years after a hit-and-run crash.
According to an FHP news release sent Tuesday, the dentist, Jesus Enrique Del Valle, struck and seriously injured a landscape employee with his Range Rover on June 30, 2015, in Miami Beach and fled the scene.
Authorities said Del Valle, 51, took his SUV to an auto repair shop owned by his girlfriend’s cousin, Ariel Perera.
De Valle then contacted a friend, Trooper David Casillas, 35, who provided a false accident report so Del Valle could get his insurance company to pay for the repair work, authorities said.
The accident report claimed that Del Valle had struck a palm tree far from Miami Beach seven days after the actual June 30 crash.
Authorities said Perera charged the insurance company for parts that were not needed and never replaced.
Thank You Dana H. for the story!
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Canadian dentist arrested for exposing himself to girls at Lake Worth schools
A Canadian dentist is under arrest after deputies say he exposed himself to female students in Lake Worth-area schools.
57-year-old Ron Rohringer, of Toronto, was arrested Thursday in Miami for indecent exposure and trespassing on school property.
According to Palm Beach County Sheriff's officials, back in February of 2016, two female students reported to school police that a man driving a SUV stopped them while on school property and he asked for directions to ‘Walgreens’. Officials said as the juveniles attempted to give him directions, they observed the male masturbate in front of them.
Thank You Dana H. for the story!
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Dentist sentenced for $1M in medical fraud
ATLANTA – Dr. Oluwatoyin Solarin was sentenced to one year and six months in federal prison for filing fake claims with the Georgia Medicaid, totaling $1 million.
“Solarin cheated the Medicaid program by submitting fraudulent claims, even billing the government for procedures she allegedly performed at the same time she was out of the country,” U.S. Attorney John Horn said. “The wealth she amassed through her scheme will now be forfeited and paid back to the government.”
Thank You Dana H. for the story!
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Former Tulsa Dentist's Request For New License Denied
TULSA, Oklahoma -
The Oklahoma Dental Board denied a request to restore the license for a former Tulsa dentist who surrendered it more than five years ago.
Dr. William Letcher gave up his license in 2011 after numerous complaints of negligence, malpractice and more.
Complaints included resin that broke, teeth that didn't fit, terrible pain and unauthorized procedures. Patients also accused Letcher of using his practice to divert controlled drugs meant for his patients for his own personal use.
Thank You Dana H. for the story!
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Bamboozled: Man swallows dental bridge during knee surgery. Who should pay?
An article in "Anaesthesia and Intensive Care" in 2000 said "Damage to teeth is the most common complaint among anesthetists."
Here's a case that took more than six months to resolve, but never should have happened. One simple insurance billing omission took twists and turns, and ultimately, ended up just fine for the patient.
But had he not asked questions, he would have been stuck with a $9,000 bill.
Thank You Dana H. for the story!
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Former Jacksonville pediatric dentist accused of hurting children found incompetent to stand trial
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - A former Jacksonville pediatric dentist has been found incompetent to stand trial.
The ruling came Wednesday in the case against Howard S. Schneider, who faced several counts of Medicaid fraud.
He was arrested in 2015, the same year he was accused of mistreating his pediatric patients.
Schneider practiced dentistry in Jacksonville for almost 50 years before he gave up his medical license last year.
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Newport Beach celebrity dentist's license suspended amid allegations of negligence
A Newport Beach celebrity dentist whose work was featured on the former Fox reality TV makeover show “The Swan” has been at least temporarily barred from practicing dentistry following allegations that she performed shoddy procedures on patients.
The Dental Board of California suspended Sherri Worth’s license Feb. 3 pending a disciplinary hearing, according to state documents.
A dental board complaint filed Feb. 1 is based on allegations by six patients that Worth committed repeated acts of negligence, fraud, incompetence, overdiagnosis and excessive treatment. The patients were not identified by name.
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This story comes by way of DDS supporter Dana Herbert. Thank You Dana for your continued support & efforts to raise awareness.
Newton Dentist to Pay State Medicaid $475K for Alleged Improper Billing
NEWTON, MA – A Newton dentist will pay the state's Medicaid program $475,000 to resolve allegations of improper billing for dental work performed at 21 offices, the attorney general announced Wednesday.
The attorney general's office alleges that between May 2010 and December 2016, Dr. Julia Faigel, her professional dental practices and her brother, who was the managing director of the practices, improperly billed the state's Medicaid program, MassHealth.
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This story comes by way of DDS supporter Nancy Sing. Thank You Nancy for your continued support & efforts to raise awareness.
Dental Care Provider Halts Services At Kansas Nursing Homes Amid Medicaid Backlog
About 350 elderly and disabled Kansans are suddenly without dental care after an Oklahoma City company informed nursing homes that it was suspending services for Kansas residents whose Medicaid applications are pending.
The company, Sterling Dental, sends dentists to nursing homes in Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas for on-site care.
But ongoing problems with Kansas’ Medicaid application process have left some residents waiting almost a year for coverage, and Sterling has decided it can no longer wait to be paid.
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Mom Outraged, School Dental Program Removes Child’s Teeth Without Her Knowing
A Baltimore City mom is looking for answers: Why did the school allow serious dental work — without making a single phone call to parents.
9-year-old Michael is still brought to tears by the pain. He’s now missing three teeth — pulled out by a dental program visiting his school. His mother, Shanda Flemming, tells WJZ she never was notified that the procedure was happening.
“I’m angry about this. I don’t think that it should have happened like that, I just don’t understand how a school or a company can take it in their hands to do something like this to a child,” says Flemming.
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Minister reopens investigation of Orange dentist
THE investigation into an Orange dentist who burnt the faces of three patients during treatment has been reopened following an intervention by the Health Minister.
Health Minister Jillian Skinner took the extraordinary step last month following an initial investigation that decided against reprimanding the dentist or hospital where the operations were performed.
Dr Arthur Mills burnt the patients’ faces during surgery at Dudley Private Hospital during 2009-10, however the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) decided against taking any action.
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Aspiring model's lip MELTED when dentist's faulty drill OVERHEATED leaving her scarred for life and 'looking like a monster'
An aspiring model has been scarred for life by a dentist’s drill that overheated and burned through her lip.
Jade Blinco, 24, says she now looks ‘like a monster’ after the hospital operation to remove two wisdom teeth went horribly wrong.
NHS bosses have admitted the injury could have been prevented and are negotiating an out-of-court settlement.
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The FDA sent out an alert in 2007 regarding this issue. After numerous further cases they sent out another alert in 2010. Perhaps this illustrates the ineffectiveness of safety alerts. (see The Hierarchy of Intervention Effectiveness). Electrical drills, as they start to fail, will actually speed up and generate heat. They only need to heat up to 48C to cause burns (unlikely noticeable by the gloved hand) – the burns being a product of heat and time. Unfortunately often the first sign a drill is failing is a facial burn – obviously not great feedback.
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Police: Meriden, CT. dentist harassed woman who reported sexual assault
A local dentist accused of sexually assaulting three patients appeared in court Monday following his arrest Friday for reportedly trying to break into the home of one of the patients.
Jeffrey Krahling, 51, of 94 Summerhill Road, Wallingford, was charged Friday with two counts each of risk of injury to a minor and attempt to assault a police officer and one count each of first-degree stalking, first-degree burglary, intimidating a witness, tampering with a witness, violation of a restraining order, second- and third-degree criminal mischief, breach of peace, first-degree reckless endangerment, interfering with police and reckless driving.
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Urgent Health Issues Regarding Invisalign Braces
Invisalign: A Near Death Experience
One woman's personal story about her negative experience with Invisalign. Hundred's of these stories are cropping up all over the internet in blogs & social media so BUYER BEWARE!
Do Your Research before you venture into any medical or dental procedure!
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Thank You Dental Supporter Dana Herbert for keeping us abreast and bringing this story to our attention!
A chef was forced to give up her job after a dentist's botched job made her lose her sense of taste and smell.
Kim Atkinson, 41, was forced to shell out £40,000, her complete life savings, to correct the failed work of disgraced dentist Dan Stocks.
The former chef, from Newcastle, was then dealt another devastating blow after the surgery to correct his mistakes ended her career when she lost her sense of taste.
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7-year-old girl loses some teeth, part of jaw bone, after dental infection outbreak
Thank You Dental Supporter Suzan S. for keeping us abreast and bringing this story to our attention!
Mimi Morales, 7, seemed to recover from a July root canal in only a few days, so her family expected no further treatment when they brought her back to Children’s Dental Group in Anaheim last week after learning of an outbreak of serious dental infections there.
Instead, on Sunday, her father and grandparents waited anxiously at Children’s Hospital of Orange County as the second-grader from Orange underwent surgery to remove infected jaw bone and three permanent teeth that had yet to grow in.
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Suit filed against New Caney pediatric dentist
Thank You Dental Supporter Suzan S. for keeping us abreast and bringing this story to our attention!
A civil lawsuit was leveled today against New Caney dentist and Fall Creek resident Joshua Robbins, accusing him of alleged misconduct with a 16-year-old girl.
This news comes following an investigation of Robbins by the State Board of Dental Examiners last week which resulted in his license being temporarily suspended.
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Four-year-old suffers severe brain damage after dentist visit
Thank You Dental Supporter Catherine P. for keeping us abreast and bringing this story to our attention!
HOUSTON - A Houston family is preparing a lawsuit against a local dentist after their child suffered brain damage from multiple seizures during the visit. Attorneys say the seizures were brought on by the use of several sedatives and a sometimes controversial restraint device.
"In essence what happened is this child was chemically and physically suffocated," said Jim Moriarty the attorney for the family of 4-year-old Nevaeh Hall. "This child suffered massive brain damage during that time period and that didn't have to happen."
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Dentist jailed for extracting £1m out of patients and friends in six-year property investment con
Thank You Dental Supporter D. Herbert for keeping us abreast and bringing this story to our attention!
A dentist who extracted more than £1 million from patients and friends in property investment con has been jailed for six years.
Dr John Hammond posed as a successful investor to mercilessly con people he knew out of their life savings.
The 69 year-old "frittered" the cash away on a luxury life-style that his victims "could only dream of" whilst leaving them to face poverty in old age.
But after six years his greed finally caught up with him when he was exposed by the BBC's programme The Sheriffs Are Coming.
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Dentist charged for alleged insurance fraud over unneeded procedures
Thank You Dental Supporter S. Shinazy for keeping us abreast and bringing this story to our attention!
A Saratoga dentist who allegedly collected insurance for unneeded procedures performed on more than two dozen patients was arraigned in San Jose Monday.
John Roger Lund, 66, was charged with 28 counts of felony insurance fraud for allegedly carrying out the procedures, some of which were done on people who had healthy gums and teeth, according to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office.
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9 Investigates teenager's death after routine dental procedure
May 16, 2016. Christopher Power, 17, went to have his wisdom teeth removed late last month, and ended up dead.
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'Dentist of horror' Jacobus van Nierop jailed in France
This just in from Dental Disaster Supporter John S. Great work John, thanks for sharing.
A Dutchman dubbed the "dentist of horror" has been sentenced to eight years in jail in France for mutilating the mouths of some 120 patients.
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Michigan Women Dies In Her Car In The Dental Parking Lot Just Minutes After Dental Procedure.
This story compliments of Dental Disaster Supporter Harold M! Thanks for the great find.
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Indiana man who went to the dentist to have four teeth pulled awoke with no teeth.
Another potential Dental Disaster story in the news just came in from Dental Disaster supporter Daniel K.! Great catch Dan! Thanks for supporting the cause!
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Texas Toddler Dies After Going to Dentist, Health Officials Launch Investigation
The following two stories are Curtesy of https://www.facebook.com/dentistthemenace/
Two more prime examples of the "Week-End Warrior" mentality in todays medical community. General Doctors are allowed to cross their chosen modalities into branches of Specialties simply by taking a weekend seminar.
Procedures they spend a couple days learning, are then made ready to implement into their practices without supervision, without the patients knowledge thus putting their patient, YOU, at potential risk! Their main motivation for this substandard quality of care is based solely on bringing more money into their business!
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Pediatric dentist abuse; Dr. Howards Little Shop of Horrors
78-year-old Florida dentist Howard Schneider is accused of harming the most vulnerable of patients, young children. Meanwhile, he is accused of collecting millions of dollars in Medicaid payments for procedures that his patients didn’t need or want, according to CNN.
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Death, Greed at the Dentist: American Children at Risk...
Dental Anesthesiologist Dr. NORBERT KAMINSKI states: "45 - 60 seconds may be all the time that they have to save that childs life."
And as ABC News Investigation as found for some dentists the lure, is “Greed”! There are weekend long courses in oral sedation at local hotels who’s operators says, Safety is always the top concern and emphasis, but the people that run them also talk of “tens of thousands of dollars of extra income in your pocket annually” by doing oral sedation.
The American academy of Pediatrics Dentistry says “Such three day sessions are not, adequate”.
Dr. INDRU PUNWANI professor and head of pediatric dentistry in the UIC College of Dentistry states: "If this is all you’ve got, you’ve never been trained in sedation, then I’d consider that, inadequate."
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Former Tulsa dentist enters guilty plea for money laundering
Former Tulsa dentist Scott Harrington is accused of Medicaid fraud, Money laundering, and exposing potentially Thousands of Patients to HIV hepatitis.
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Dental problems -- sometimes deadly -- driving more people to ERs
"By law, ERs have to see patients even if they can't pay. But although they often provide little more than painkillers and antibiotics to dental patients, they cost more than three times as much as a routine dental visit, averaging $749 a visit if the patient isn't hospitalized — and costing the U.S. health care system $1.6 billion a year."
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Dollars and Dentists
Corporate Dental chains creating Cash incentives to encourage employee's to sell the patient into consumer credit card debt. Americans are in dire need of decent, affordable dental care, not predatory practices.
Also read the Rip Off Report for more on Aspen Dental
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Aspen Dental in the news! Complaints, Reviews, Scams, Lawsuits, Fraud Reported.
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