DDS.. Continued
Page 3
The more attention being drawn to metal-containing implantable devices and patients' feedback, the more we can see how pronounced the commonalities of symptoms are among patients.
Because my dental device contains some of the same metals mentioned in the following FDA videos like Chromium and Cobalt, the videos are pertinent to my story. Scientists are starting to realize it doesn't matter where in the body you place these corrosive metals, the effects are the same. You will see my picture in Mrs. Francs Scott's presentation with regards to galvanic corrosion and the damages it causes.
My sincere gratitude to Ms. Scott for her assistance in getting the letter written and submitted to the FDA. She devoted a great deal of time and effort in helping me get the letter in by the deadline.
We now know from station KVUE and other investigative reporting, the FDA has woefully and undeniably caused great grief and despair amongst thousands of Joint replacements, Dental implants, even glucose monitoring. You can review that story here: https://khn.org/news/five-things-we-found-in-the-fdas-hidden-device-database/
Given all the Dental 'alloys' used in one of the most inhospitable environments in the body, your mouth, (4000 times more absorbable than any other place in the human body), I think there's reason for major concern with regards to galvanism. Especially when these metals are just inches from your brain.
Thank god for the gallantry of doctors like Dr. Schroeder and Dr. Steven Towers who speak with integrity in favor of patient over industry profit. In my humble opinion, he's doing the FDA's job and his research is impeccable. We (patients of device harm) are lucky to have such champions to help represent us.
FDA Immunology Devices Panel Meeting November 13, 2019 - Day 1 Speaker Dr. Steven Towers
FDA Immunology Devices Panel Meeting November 13, 2019- Day 1 Speaker Frances Scott
FDA Immunology Devices Panel Meeting November 13, 2019- Day 1 Speaker Dr. Scott Schroeder
Despite the continually promoted (98%) success rate of dental implants by the dental industry, statistically, the reality, isn't quite as impressive.
These numbers are from hidden FDA files that were recently brought to light by Former Public Health Analyst at U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Madris Layne Kinard

Metals In The Body
I cannot stress enough, the need for patients to research and learn about how their dental work and/or medical implantable devices (i.e. Joint Replacement, Pins/Screws/plates, Heart Stent, Essure Contraceptive, etc.) can cause very unwanted side effects of 'Galvanism'.
“Oral Galvanism” or commonly called Battery mouth, are simply different metals [from your fillings or crowns] when continuously bathed in salt solution [saliva, or blood] can lead to flow of charged particles or current in your mouth. Alloys used in the medical/dental industry have started to demonstrate major concerns with regards to the long term effects created.
Listen as Dr. David Brownstein talks briefly on the negative effects of metals on the body.
The information contained below entitled 'Battery-Mouth' is an excerpt from the highly respected website of The Weston A. Price Foundation and explains what my cardiologist believes, that my body is suffering the debilitating side effects of metal toxicity from my 'substituted' dental work, causing what's known as 'Autonomic Dysfunction'.
"Titanium implants constantly release metal ions into the mouth. This chronic exposure can trigger hypersensitivity, inflammation, and allergies, as well as autoimmune disease in people with high sensitivity. The metal implants can become part of a charged battery. All that is needed to make a battery is two or more different metals and a liquid medium (electrolyte) that can conduct electricity. Metal implants, fillings, crowns, partials, and orthodontic appliances provide the dissimilar metals, and saliva in the mouth serves as the electrolyte. This phenomenon, called “oral galvanism,” creates two major concerns.
First, the electrical currents increase the rate of corrosion (or dissolution) of metal-based dental restorations. Even precious metal alloys continuously release ions into the mouth due to corrosion, a process that gnaws away at the metal’s surface. These ions react with other components of the body, leading to sensitivity, inflammation, and, ultimately, autoimmune disease. Increasing the corrosion rate, therefore, increases the chance of developing immunologic or toxic reactions to the metals.
These electrical potentials, especially those developed by implants, set in a chronic, degenerative and inflamed section of the bone, can disturb local physiology and affect the body’s entire regulatory ability through osseous, lymphatic, immune, vascular, endocrine, autonomic nervous, and meridian systems.
A second concern is that some individuals are very susceptible to these internal electrical currents. Dissimilar metals in the mouth can cause unexplained pain, nerve shocks, ulcerations and inflammation. Many people also experience a constant metallic or salty taste, a burning sensation in the mouth, and insomnia."
A restoration that was supposed to last the rest of my life, is now costing me my smile, my livelihood and most importantly, my health.
Total Cost of restoration?
A whopping $74,000.00 to date for a now, dysfunctioning & deteriorating mouth full of 18 different metals (Carbon, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Gallium, Gold, Indium, Iridium, Iron, Molybdenum, Manganese, Nitrogen, Palladium, Ruthenium, Silicon, Silver, Tin, Titanium, and Zinc). Three (3) Cobalt, Palladium, and Ruthenium of which according to research are listed as potentially carcinogenic.
Despite being told in front of a witness by the lab owner himself, that he was a chemical specialist who knew all about Bio-Compatibility and the nightmares associated with Non-Precious metals and how some labs use Non-Precious metals to save money but how he would never do that to his patients, I provide the proof below I was deceived!
* Patients with metal-on-metal prostheses represent special cases, in which corrosion or erosion of the implants releases metal ions or particles into the joint, stimulating an immune response and giving rise to prosthetic failure. Very high ion concentrations (>7 parts per billion) are identified, necessitating follow-up and usually revision. [13] High chromium ion concentrations may be carcinogenic, and high cobalt ion concentrations may be both cardiotoxic and neurotoxic. [34]
Validated here via legally obtained audio:
By clicking on the audio file contained on this page, you agree that it is intended for viewing on this website only and contains information that is privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. without my expressed written consent. Any further dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.
For any requests, please notify me by email (Singingdabluez@gmail.com). This message is provided in accordance with the HIPAA Omnibus Rule of 2013.
As you heard in the previous audio and as advertised on the lab's website (along with the personal assurance from the lab owner himself), the All Titanium Dental Devise designed for Bio-Compatibility I was told I had (see below) was not what I received.
The chemical certificates I requested from his lab, prove I got exactly what he said he would never do!

This is a digital of the advertisement describing my Dental Device. You can see the emphasis on Bio Compatibility as well as the use of Titanium as the Lab owner confirmed to me & my witness back in 2014.
A mouthful of nightmares from the use of Non-Precious metals!

Certificate for Prosthetic
61% Cobalt
30% Chromium
5.0% Molybdenum
2.0% Manganese
< ! % Carbon, Iron, Nitrogen, Silicon
0% Titanium

Certificate for lower Bridges
77% Gold
13% Silver
8.5% Copper
1% Palladium
< 1% Indium, Iridium, Zinc
0% Titanium

Certificate for fixed Bridge
Palladium 75.4 %
6.3 Indium
6 % Gold
6.2% Silver
6% Gallium
0% Titanium
The following are tests results by 2 specialists and an independent lab.

Tests show positive result for the following:
Gold thiosulfate dihydrate
Manganese Chloride
Zinc Chloride
Tests show positive result for the following:
Gold thiosulfate dihydrate
Tests show positive result for the following:
Lab tests show positive result for the following:
Aluminum, Bismuth, Cadmium,
Copper, Lithium, Mercury,
Nickel, Zinc, Zinc Acetate

This is a response from my Oral Surgeon after the Prosthodontist took ownership of my over denture in 2011 to replace the material. I did not get the prosthetic back until 2013 at which time, the issues were still left unaddressed and I continued to fracture teeth on the brand new material as noted below.
Periodic Table
Why is the use of Bio-Compatible materials so important in the oral cavity?
Well, as mentioned in the audio by the lab owner, Galvanic Corrosion.
As quoted from the
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
"When two or more metals or alloys are placed in contact with one another inside the oral cavity, galvanic coupling may occur which may lead to galvanic corrosion. Galvanic corrosion may release elements from the alloy into the oral cavity with possible harm to the patient. The higher the corrosion rate of the alloy, the greater the metal ion release and the greater the risk of undesirable reactions in the mouth. These reactions may include unpleasant metallic tastes, allergy, irritation or an‐ other reaction. Since the release of metal ions depends on electrochemical rules, many efforts have been made to evaluate the biocompatibility of dental alloys via electrochemical analyses."
As quoted from http://toothbody.com/is-there-a-battery-in-your-mouth
"We learned about the galvanic current in dental school. We’ve read about it in dental journals. However, how often do dentists follow the protocols that are necessary to avoid this condition from occurring? The dental profession needs to be more aware of the negative effects that are caused by galvanic currents and be committed to preventing the unwanted, and often harmful, electrical charges or imbalances from occurring."
What are the two (2) quickest ways to access the bloodstream? Intravenously (IV) & Sublingually (under the Tongue aka the oral cavity).
So in reference to the above statement by the US NIH, it is reasonable to assume here the use, of these dissimilar (Non-Precious) metals, caused my allergy problems, they didn't stem from an existing allergy!
If I had no issues/allergies to Gold or other metals in general prior to having the work done, then suddenly develop symptoms related to Cobalt Poisoning (Metallosis) almost immediately after completion of the crown & bridgework which has gotten progressively worse as each year passes and have tested positive to at least 4 of the 18 metals used knowing how adversely these metals can affect the human body over time, it isn't difficult to surmise a conclusion.
With that being said, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, well let me share a few here.
The following images are pictures I have taken over the years to show the kind of ongoing Pain & Suffering I've endured not only orally, but systemically as a direct result of that lab's decision to substitute materials.
I believe I have proven beyond a reasonable doubt on this web site, thru the legally obtained audio, personal video, feedback from other dental professionals and months of research, I was absolutely deceived by both lab owner and Prosthodontist. Had the ill-fitting bridgework, substituted metals and reaction to those metals been addressed appropriately, I wouldn't have to suffer needlessly!
Now, let my pictures, tell my story!
NOTE: Some Of The Following Pictures Are Graphic, Viewer Discretion Is Advised!
The following pictures are to demonstrate the visable rash/hives that were assessed by my allergist in 2014 and by a Boston Dermatologist in 2015 as a reaction to the metals used in my restoration.
Despite my 9 year search for answers to my continuing oral issues and declining health, it wasn't until 2014, that I was able to secure an accurate diagnosis.

As you can see by the date, this has been going on since the install and continues to this day. Didn't have the same technology back then so quality suffered sorry. You can see the rash on my palette that extended under the prosthetic.

Lucky for the dentist and lab I lost a lot of files due to a computer crash but I think the consistency I'm providing speaks for itself.

If you look closely you can see the hives. This is what was consistently blown off by the dentist that should've of in my mind, been immediately addressed.
And if you think it looks painful, I can assure you trying to express it in words seems an injustice to me.

What I can equate it to is like scrapping your knee as a kid. That tight burning feeling that just won't stop throbbing. Something to that effect.
One word? PAINFUL!
Below I've provided a small timeline of the work I paid an additional $6000.00 for back in 2011. In 2013 roughly two months after waiting 2 years for delivery and 4 days before a gig, the front tooth, snapped right off. Had it fixed and I still kept breaking teeth and it was seriously starting to cause me a great deal of grief.
Upon getting fed up with the dentist after so many unresolved problems that was costing me gigs, I started working directly with the lab owner in 2014. The following picture shows the quality of workmanship or lack of, I received and now left no where to turn to either maintain or fix the continuing breakdown and dysfunction.

If you look just below the two (2) upper arrows, you'll see a wavy line of exposed metal, that's Cobalt. This is a delivery considered complete. Note the arrow at the bottom of the page showing the break down of the chewing surface almost immediately. Brand New Material mind you!
I would like to ask my readers, as a Dental Consumer, how would you feel about taking delivery of dental work that had exposed metal?
Better yet, how would you feel if you found out you developed an allergy from those metals and the lab knew about it and still delivered with area's of metal exposed?

The repairs started almost immediately after Richard starting revising the prosthetic. The material is called Cerimage and gets extremely brittle when layered to thin. This was told to me not by the lab owner himself but rather by two seperate Prosthodontists.
What I was repeatedly told by the lab owner was that I was grinding my teeth at night, despite the fact I repeatedly told him, they are not worn at night and have only been used to eat & converse.
One thing that validates this fact is, the breakdown of material is consistent throughout the material, not just on the tooth surface itself!
Note the arrow at the bottom, that is no where near your chewing surface yet the Cobalt as been exposed there and unaddressed since delivery.
And while the lab owner did his best to try and convince me the constant repairs were my fault by grinding, his attempts, fell on deaf ears.
This isn't patient related failure, this is patient care at it's worse!

You can see the layered repairs slowly starting to break down. It's almost like Egg Shell material and very very brittle. This picture is 10 months after delivery and after numerous repairs, 10 months wearing them maybe 50% of the time.

While there's consistent breakdown of material throughtout, for simplicities sake, I'm focusing on the area with the most Cobalt exposure esthetically.
Again, make note of the bottom arrow which denotes an area that is not, part of the chewing surface yet the material continues to dilapidate over time.

As you can see, in less than three (3) months time, the surface area of the last tooth has continued to fall into disrepair exposing yet more Cobalt which I believe is what is increasing the burning and adverse reactions I'm having orally and systemically!

Custom Tarter, cracks galore and a microscopic surprise I'm sure every dental patient out there would thoroughly enjoy having! NOT!
How would you feel as a dental patient, if you had to keep going back for repair after repair almost monthly (on brand new material) and find, as you document the fixes you've received, you see on digital (Embedded, in the material) what you couldn't see with your naked eye on delivery? Debris!
NOTE: The large Black Arrow.
Manmade, Animal or Human debris? Matters not, it's DISGUSTING!
I don't think anyone out there reading this right now, in their right minds, would consider this, quality workmanship.
I certainly wouldn't.

This prosthetic has been rocking for years, even before I started the revision of material in 2011. No matter how much I complained and asked for it be addressed appropriately, I got ignored and/or quick fixes.
In the fall of 2014, the lab owners answer to the rocking issue was to add a material (polyurethane) over the metal framework. Why? Because he no longer had the machine that made this prosthetic and wasn't able to fix it. Despite being told in May of 2014 he was promoting this Dental Devise because he believed in it, less than a year later I'm told he sold the machine because he wasn't making any money with it!
As I was told by the company rep, I'm one of maybe 30 patients in the U.S. utilizing this type of bridge. To my knowledge, I'm the only patient experiencing the Vise Grip pain and rocking issues.
Fig. #2, the material is breaking down and the rocking is getting worse!
This has & continues to directly negatively impact the health and longevity of my maxillae implants.
Also note in fig. #3 there's a small chunk of material missing because it snapped off simply by removing it.

This is the physical result of a misaligned framework coupled with the substitution of known Bio Compatible metals for more problematic Dissimilar metals. Not only did this create an unhealthy oral environment (metal taste, constant burning/breakouts, numbness in lower lip, etc.), the misalignment destroyed and continues to destroy the bone in my maxillae (upper jaw bone) due to overload as explained below.
The White arrows show what is left of the ilium bone graft (bone harvested from your hip to your upper jaw (maxillae)). The Yellow arrows & squares denote the amount of bone loss. I left the squares empty so as not to cause any confusion.

The dark area on each side of each implant in between the yellow markers offers another view of the bone loss due to Overload

Opposite side, same devastation. There is more than 50% bone loss which makes utilizing these implants, impossible.
Overloading is the term given to failures caused by undue pressure or forces placed on the protruding abutment and/or crown. These forces can easily disrupt the osseointegration process. Since 1995 these facts have been available but ignored! Overload, rather than component design, is the primary factor in the majority of prosthetic and implant failures.
The following images reflect some of the systemic issues I suffer with. Unfortunately, I can't take pictures of what I go thru internally but much of what I go thru is believed to stem directly from the Heavy Metal Poisoning.

For years since having the restoration done, I've been suffering from painfully swollen lips.
As you can see in between the White arrows, there's fluid that pools under the skin while the black arrows show the upper lip, starting to swell.
It's a throbbing burning pain that specialists suggest are directly related to the dissimilar metals.

Here's another view.
The Blue arrows denote the visiable swelling beyond the lip tissue and into the Vermillion Border/Ridge.
The vermilion border/ridge, is the normally sharp demarcation between the lip and the adjacent normal skin. It is thus the edge (border) of the red (vermilion) of the lip. It represents the change in the epidermis from highly keratinized external skin to less keratinized internal skin.
The Black arrow shows the folds of lip tissue swelling.

Another problem that has cropped up since the restoration I never had an issue with before is the tip of my tongue becoming inflamed & swollen! It sometimes gets so bad, anywhere the tip of my Tongue touches the metal of my bridge, it burns and makes my Tongue look like raw hamburg.
This is known as Cupping and/or Scalloping of the Tongue. When the Tongue swells in size and pushes against the arches of the mouth, the Tongue molds to the back of the teeth. There are numerous reason's for this and mine is obviously related to the metals.
Again, you can see the swelling in the Vermillion Ridge/Border as denoted by the White arrows.
The Black arrow shows the type of Saliva I now have. My Sublingual glands have solidified (believed by my specialists to have been caused by the use of the dissimlar Non-Precious metals). It's basically Foam.
It makes eating, swallowing, talking very difficult and singing? Pretty much out of the question.
This is one of the many reasons behind my being forced out of the music. Ask any vocalist if they can sing without adequate Saliva?
If you'd like to experience it, try this simple experiement:
Stuff 3 saltine crackers in your mouth and chew! Do not drink any water. After you try to swallow the crackers and again without water, try to sing. That's what it feels like!

Since I stopped wearing my prosthetic and so self-conscious of how I look, I sometimes push my tongue in a forward position to support my upper lip. This shows the imprint from the fixed bar can leave on my tongue.

Another weird symptom that has gotten progressively worse are these mucous plugs I now cough up every time I try to eat or drink. I have been woken up countless times in the middle of the night, choking on whatever this is that settles in my throat after a simple drink of water, leaving me to gasp for air.
And let me tell you, when your wake up from sleep choking, gasping for air? It's not a pleasant experience.

Another example of the systemic affects of Cobalt. Shortly after the restoration, Tattoo's I had gotten on both upper arms decades before started to raise up from the skin (much like a brand new Tattoo would do) full of tiny hives, causing the area of the Tattoo to become red, very warm with a very uncomfortable burning sensation.
As the years progressed and as noted by the Black arrows, the hives migrated up into my shoulder area and along my upper back (white arrow).
I knew that the ink of the Tattoo contains metals I didn't know they used Cobalt. And as most don't know, Tattoo's over time, tend to migrate a bit under the skin which attests to the hives affecting not only the Tattoo's but the surrounding skin as well.

In the past few years, the most recent symptoms that have caused me some major issues and discomfort is the swelling and contraction of the tissues in my hands and fingers.
As you can see, the White arrows denote what specialists consider a Histamine Reaction and many, including my Neurologist, believe it to be related to the Cobalt.
Simply everyday things like doing dishes, using a computer keyboard, driving etc., have all been made much more difficult to perform due to the pain and discomfort I now have to deal with.
There's no reason or rhyme to the episodes but I suspect it could be from coming in contact with Cobalt in the environment. You'd be surprised at the things that have Cobalt in them.

Here's another view of what looks to be the underlining structure (ligaments/tendons) constrictly and/or contracting causing my fingers and hand to throb in pain.
These symptoms and/or reactions have gotten increasingly worse over the last few years and now inhibits my ability to effectively play my guitar.
A devastating blow when your a solo musician and must rely on both your vocals & your instrument of choice when neither of which is functioning properly.
The most recent and troubling symptoms I am left to deal with is what's being called a 'histimine' reaction. Whenever I try to use my computer, keyboard, cell phone, or come in contact with host of other materials, I now suffer a severe response. My hands will swell to the point my fingernails feel like they're digging into my fingers. They turn beet red, throb and sweat profusely, and the discomfort is immensely unsettling. I've also developed a type of 'sticky' skin whenever this happens and the skin on the palm side becomes noticeably taunt.
Watch as the skin on the palm side of my hands seems to tighten to the point that you can see the underlining ligaments and tendons contracting. What you see happening is not trigger finger nor Dupuytren's contracture. The specialists believe its related to the metal toxicity.
My hands have become extremely weak, I drop things constantly. The swelling/sweating can be so bad, my phone will not recognize my fingerprint to open it. You can actually see the ridges in my hands and fingers become much more pronounced and touching or trying to hold anything becomes unbarely painful.
The following video was created by me to show the obvious misalignment of the dental devise that occurred and caused the removable prosthetic to not fit 'Passively'! This validates my early inquiries and complaints there was an problem from day 1 and continues to be an issue to the present day. This video is solely about the function or rather malfunctioning dental devise which does not reflect the issues related to the metals. That is a whole different topic in and of itself!
Let me explain in simple terms for those unfamiliar with implant supported dental devises such as mine.
This upper bridgework is an over denture system. It consists of a 'fixed' bar meaning, it is attached to the implants and can only be removed by the dentist. The bar supports the second part of the system which is a removable prosthetic. This type of dental devise is designed for dental patients who suffer from severe atrophy of the maxilla bone (upper jaw) to work passively and if done correctly, can give the patient a functioning smile for decades even a lifetime.
So what does a 'Passive' fit mean?
A Passive fit means the prosthetic should attach to the bar without restriction (as described by the lab owner himself in the video). When it doesn't, unnecessary force is placed on the implants they weren't designed to withstand, thus causes what's known as 'Overload'!
Overload, directly & negatively impacts the bone & tissue around the implants causing them to fail.
How do I know this?
When I asked a very, specific question.......
Should there be any movement in the fixed bridge? The answer was no! That was confirmed by my Oral Surgeon on Dee's Dental Story page.
The following are videos from 2013 & 2014 are indisputable evidence that demonstrates the undesired 'rocking' that directly affected and caused my maxilla implants to fail. Not only did the prosthetic rock, the rocking caused the round cylinder holes that secure the over denture to the fixed bar that's attached to my implants to go from round, to oblong. That change created from the constant rocking in the bar, caused the entire device to become unstable. Twice, I had to have the bar removed and rewelded to correct the misshapen holes the misalignment caused. I refused to pay the 2nd time because I questioned why it was happening.
So the only movement that should've been noticeable as time went by? Was the wearing down of the locator filament in the front that requires periodic upkeep. That would make the prosthetic loose in the front causing an 'up & down' motion, not a rocking one.
And as you can see in the 2nd video, I'm actually sitting in the dental chair at Dr. VanDogens office (2014), yet again disgusted my issues were not being addressed.

Despite the years I questioned the Prosthodontist about the Vise Grip feeling I've felt since the install, the inability to immediately close the clasps as mentioned by the lab owner (refer to video on main page) or why removal of the bar was so uncomfortable, all I got was a shrugging of the shoulders and/or a brush off about how it fits on the model okay.
If a dental devise fits on a model that is an identical mold of a patients mouth but doesn't fit when installed shouldn't that have been a Red Flag?
I didn't receive any literature with regards to how the dental devise was supposed to work, who manufactured it, nothing! No way to contact anyone other than the dentist who installed it.
Without the adequate information that should've been provided, there was no way for me to know I was given a faulty install.
Any movement in a fixed bridge constitutes a problem that left unaddressed, can have devastating affects on implants. It's called Overload (explained further down).
Overloading is the term given to failures caused by undue pressure or forces placed on the protruding abutment and/or crown. These forces can easily disrupt the osseointegration process. Since 1995 these facts have been available but ignored! Overload, rather than component design, is the primary factor in the majority of prosthetic and implant failures.
No matter how many times the issues involving this malfunctioning bridgework was brought up, no matter how many times I repeatedly requested it be fixed (some of which is documented via legally obtained audio) I was continually placated, given false promises, led on to believe the issues would be resolved.
This video was first shown to the company rep and he assured me the 'rocking' I so adamantly complained about was fixable but seemed very concerned about having to force, the prosthetic on! I then shared it (in its original format) with both the Prosthodontist who managed the case and the lab owner who created all the crown and bridgework. After a heated debate and my request for them to pay for all the damages to be repaired by another dental team, I was laughed out of the office.
Now, because I challenged them, I have nowhere to go to get help! No one wants to help me maintain whats left so, my fate is sealed!
The rocking bridge will continue to pound away on my implants destroying what's left of the original bone graft and according to the 3 - D scan I just had, I have maybe 2 mm of bone (about the width of a penny) across the front of my face and under my nasal bone which is no where near enough to support another system so I would face more bone grafting and more implants if I have any hope of restoring function. Since the damage is so severe, the cost to fix it is now out of my reach!
With that being said, watch the video, decide for yourself based on what you see. Hopefully, my explanation will make what your about to see, easier for you to understand.