Please join us
July 25, 2019,
for our 18th annual
Virtual 'Moment of Silence' for Patient Safety
An online pledge in honor of those lost or disabled by Medical/Dental Harm.
Light a Candle
share a Virtual Moment of Silence
at 6 PM local time.
It's an easy way to show your support and acknowledge the over a quarter of a million lives lost each year to healthcare harm, and the millions more injured, some permanently.
Offer hope, healing and advocacy for safe healthcare - today and everyday.
Save lives and reduce healthcare costs through elimination of preventable medical errors and harm.
Observed Annually, July 25th
Patient Safety Day is a time to embrace life, loss, change and hope; a day that gives everyone a moment of silence to reflect and join in a shared vision of safer healthcare and a shared moment to honor the lives of all patients and families affected by medical error harm and those whose work contributed to safer, quality patient care.
Since 2001, many of you have joined with others throughout the world in the annual Patient Safety Day observance on July 25th. Upon last count, patients,families, providers and consumer groups from at least 43 U.S. states and several countries have participated in the Patient Safety Day moment of silence and candlelight vigil; in tribute to those who work to improve the safety and quality of healthcare for future patients - in memory of patients and families who have lost their life or quality of life due to medical error harm. Wherever you are on July 25th, in your home, at work or at a group Patient Safety Day event within your community, light a candle - or view the virtual candle on this page, or simply take a moment to pause at 6:00pm in your timezone for a moment of silence that will connect you with the heart of others across the world on Patient Safety Day.
For more information contact us at patientsafetyday@hotmail.com
Visionary and compassionate leaders who have recognized and/or joined in support of Patient Safety Day on July 25th, annually:
Alliance For Patient Safety, Voice4Patients, PULSE of America, PULSE of New York, Empowered Patient Coalition, Patient Safety Cleveland, Association of Dialysis Advocates, Mothers Against Medical Error, Medically Induced Trauma Support Services (MITSS), 1stDoNoHarm, Luna’s Light, Colorado Citizens for Accountability, Floridians For Patient Protection, Ohio Patient Safety Institute, Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority, HCPro Patient Safety Monitor, Amistaff Healthcare Technology, HHS HRSA PSSC, All Nurses, RWJF Interdisciplinary Nursing Quality Research Initiative, HCFA, New Mexico Medical Review Assoc. (Medicare QIO), North Shore Nephrology, Huffington Post columnist and book author Patrick Malone, TapRoot, NPSF MedQIC, Consumers Union, Patient Safety Culture Club of Central Taiwan, Ventana Medical Systems, Dialysis Patient Citizens – dialysispatients.org, Washington Advocates for Patient Safety, Washington State Coalition for Language Access, the World Health Organization, University of Malaya in Malaysia, Prophecy Healthcare in North Carolina.
U.S. Congressmen, State Senators and State House Representatives, Assemblymen, Governors, Mayors, City Council members and other politicians and governmental entities within the U.S. and equal global partners are continuing to demonstrate visionary and compassionate leadership through their work and support of National, Global, World Patient Safety Day; as are patients, families, medical, nursing, pharmacy and other provider disciplines and healthcare enterprises.
In addition to 43 U.S. states, Patient Safety Day has been observed as far away as: Pakistan, Nigeria, Japan, Thailand and Canada.
To have your community included in the Patient Safety Day observance count, email patientsafetyday@hotmail.com.
Virtual Candle Lighting @ PatientSafetyDay2018.yolasite.com https://patientsafetyday2018.yolasite.com/
Flowers planted in Memoriam Maine