Dental Patient
Everyone goes to the dentist at some point in their lives. Whether it's you, your spouse, your kids, even grandkids, so seeking out a qualified professional with the expertise you need and feel confident with should be your #1 priority!
How do you do that? By researching & educating yourself Beforehand!
Knowledge is Power and becoming an educated consumer is the best way to ensure you get the best possible results. And while I can't provide individual names of Dentists to recommend, I can tell you utilizing every patient rating/listing (i.e. Angie's List, Yelp, Google, etc. along with some dental blogs) especially personal/patient references is a must. And while we'd all love to think the "Dentist of the Month" article is your go to Dental professional who's earned their merit, be careful. Inside donations and incentives can magically make the not so great look fabulous so, cast a wide net with regards to researching your dentist or specialty.
And don't be afraid to make your first visit his or her interview for hire. Remember, he or she is performing a service your potentially paying a small fortune for so your best interests should be his or her top priority! If he or she is truly interested in gaining your trust and business, they'll be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. If your being rushed in any way or the interview is intimidating for that professional, thank them for their time and don't waste any more of yours. If they ask you to sign away your rights to the "Not an exact science, I'm not taking any responsibility paperwork? Leave! If they won't take responsibility by honoring their work and offering a warranty, they're not worth your time.
It's too bad there isn't a database of Dental Professional ratings to help improve patient trust while serving to encourage those professionals that aren't performing up to par to improve.
Moving on. This page will house a multitude of interesting and informative video's and articles to help educate the public on today's high tech dental world.
Information provided here will hopefully get you started and help raise awareness on topics and areas of concern you may not have considered.
These videos are for educational purposes and not in any way shape or form to cause defamation of character to any dental professional, private practice or the dental community.
The SOLE intention of this page (web site) is to EDUCATE THE PUBLIC!
Dental Professionals want happy patients and dental patients want a beautiful and functional smile.
Providing information that helps the consumer make a more informed/educated decision is a benefit to both patients, and dental professional.
Please consider offering your feedback as we take steps in gathering data on Dental Implants, thank you.
We decided it was time to ask the dental implant patients directly.
We are a group of dental researchers who are collecting worldwide data on the efficacy of dental implant treatment, from the dental implant patient’s perspective. The data is totally anonymous. No email or IP addresses are logged in any way.
Corrosion In Titanium Dental Implants
The most common form of corrosion, which is generally present in dental implants, is galvanic corrosion. Titanium has been chosen as the material of choice for end-osseous implantation. Long term studies and clinical observations establish the fact that titanium does not corrode when used in living tissue however galvanic coupling of titanium to other metallic restorative materials may generate corrosion. Hence there is a great concern regarding the material for superstructures over the implant.
Gold alloys are generally chosen as the superstructures because of their excellent biocompatibility, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. The increasing cost of precious alloys used in dentistry has led to the development of cost effective metallic materials. [28], [29] These new different alloys such as Ag-Pd, Co-Cr alloys and Ti alloys have good mechanical properties and are cost-effective but their biocompatibility and corrosion resistance are of concern.
“Even though resin-based restorative materials are considered safe, their constituents can leach out and cause allergic contact stomatitis [aka, an inflamed mouth],” the National Institute of Health said.
Allergic to Metals? 6 Surprising Places They May Lurk
"Cell phones. If you’re allergic to nickel or cobalt, your phone is a possible source of exposure."
Mobile Phones: Potential Sources of Nickel and Cobalt Exposure for Metal Allergic Patients
Patients with known nickel or cobalt allergy should consider their cellular phones as a potential source of exposure.
The Relationship Between Dental and Hearing
There is a close correlation between ear diseases and dental health, so much so that an alteration of auditory perception can to some extent be dependent on a fairly common phenomenon in the population known as bruxism. In particular, an alteration of the auditory perception is tinnitus, that is, a whistle that is perceived by the person despite the fact that there are no real noises in the surrounding environment. The latter can be particularly annoying and in some cases affect the quality of life of those who suffer from it.
All About Dentistry
Reviews, Ratings & Articles for Dental Professionals & Dental Patients
Dentures vs. Snap -in Dentures vs. ALL on 4 ®️ Bridge
What are the differences between these different treatments? What's the best option for me? Dr. Hendriks explains in detail what are these differences. If you've asked yourself these questions, this video explains the differences and benefits between all of these devices.
Millions Report Problems with Dental Implants
The Maude alternative summary reports that have been filtering through to social media over the last few years, paint a very different picture of Dental Implant success compared to the spoken narrative within the dental industry. Due to the U.S. not having any kind of government sponsored monitoring database in place like Europe, it is nearly impossible to accurately account, for the true percentage of failures. However, given the fact that the numbers continue to rise, that should be raising alarm bells but it isn't.
Maybe the lack of 'sharing' sites such as this one, is part of the problem. So while I do my due diligence to help those who may be researching by sharing this info, unfortunately, it is seldom reciprocated. That, to me, is a real tragedy when you consider the profound harm being reported and literally no place for patients to research.

Botched Dental Implant Treatments
The Real Cost of Dental Implants
"Just because we all graduated dental school does not make us all equal! Other than, perhaps, brain surgery, I cannot think of a procedure where “buyer beware” was more appropriate. Do your research and don’t be fooled by inflated credentials or diplomas (you can visit our check credentials section to better understand how the credentialing process works in dentistry."
- McFadden Dental Implant Center
Metals In The Body
I cannot stress enough, the need for patients to research and learn about how their dental work and/or medical implantable devices (i.e. Joint Replacement, Pins/Screws/plates, Heart Stent, Essure Contraceptive, etc.) can cause a very unwanted side effect known as 'Galvanism'. Galvanism is created when any, two dissimilar metals come in contact within a liquid medium, aka your saliva or body fluids. Alloys used in the medical/dental industry have started to demonstrate major concerns with regards to the longterm effects created.
Listen as Dr. David Brownstein talks briefly on 'metals' negative effects on the body.
Suffering From Chronic Pain & Symptoms?
Metal hypersensitivity reactions often cause chronic, systemic pain, immune dysfunction, histamine reactions, eczema, bleeding rashes & many other chronic symptoms.
Buyer Beware: Problems with All-on-4 Full Video
If you are considering an All-On-4 procedure, be sure to watch the video by clicking the 'Buyer Beware' title. This lecture discusses issues you may not be aware of associated with All-One-4.
The global initiative for a scientific based view on the implant market aiming for a better, cleaner and safer implantology. Your source of knowledge, background evidence and supportive network.
Titanium dioxide: E171 no longer considered safe when used as a food additive
Titanium dioxide is not safe when used as a food additive, the European Food Safety Authority has concluded after conducting a review of all the relevant available scientific evidence. Mainly, there is a concern that the genotoxicity of TiO2 particles cannot be ruled out. France banned the use of titanium dioxide as a food additive in 2020 after the country’s health and safety agency said there was not enough evidence to guarantee the safety of the substance. Titanium dioxide is added to foods to make them look white and appealing and can be found in baked goods, soups, sauces, salads and sandwich spreads.
Could Nickel Be the Root Cause of Your Thyroid Symptoms?
Nickel reactions and symptoms may include increased inflammation as well as contact dermatitis (skin irritation), which can cause severe itching, warm and tender skin, fluid-filled blisters, and dry, discolored, scaly, raw and/or thickened skin.
Symptoms of a nickel allergy can also manifest on the skin as hives or eczema; or internally as headaches, fatigue, and celiac-like gut symptoms. Flares of eczema on the hands after exposure to the metal are not uncommon.
The skin reaction can occur at the site of contact, or sometimes spread beyond to the rest of the body.
In other cases, one may experience a generalized rash around the buttock, anus, genital area, and eyelids, also known as “baboon syndrome”. Not fun!
Dentures have come a long way from the uncomfortable, awkward prosthetics you heard your grandparents complaining about. Modern dentures are more comfortable, lifelike, and secure than ever before. Still, using an adhesive might result in more security and peace of mind. How can you decide which type of adhesive to use for your dentures in McKinney? Keep reading to learn more about the three types of denture adhesive and the unique benefits of each one.
A Practical Guide to Compatibility Testing for Dental Materials
The interaction of dissimilar metals and has been taught in dental school since the 1950's yet there are those within the dental community that see no issue in disregarding this key fact. This should be a major concern for anyone having metal placed in their body.
Don't let dentists dazzle you with terms like 'ADA Approved' because it means little when the Dental community completely ignores the effects of using unlike or dissimilar metals.
Lily Lindsay's skin erupted in swelling and painful red flakes after getting corrective veneers — and it took nearly a year to clear up
Metals have been widely recognized as one of the triggers capable of producing such inflammation. In a 2014 publication, Dr. Vera Stejskal wrote: “Metal-induced inflammation may be involved in the pathology of various autoimmune and allergic diseases, where abnormal fatigue, joint and muscle pain, cognitive impairment and other non-specific symptoms are often present.”7
In this regard, it is suspected that metal ions released from dental and medical implants and devices can cause inflammation in susceptible subjects.8 The release of metal ions from these implants and devices occurs locally (i.e. at the site of the implant/device), but the metal ions are processed both locally and in other parts of the body, and this can prompt an immune reaction.9
Evidence of Harm 2020
Evidence of Harm follows the lives of three health advocates as they struggle to inform the federal government and public that large amounts of toxic mercury vapors are released from "silver" amalgam dental fillings during routine dental procedures. The film presents a haunting portrait of a dental industry all too willing to turn a blind eye to science while placing profits and politics ahead of dental patient's health.
Titanium implants constantly release metal ions into the mouth. This chronic exposure can trigger hypersensitivity, inflammation and allergies, as well as autoimmune disease in people with high sensitivity. The metal implants can become part of a charged battery. All that is needed to make a battery is two or more different metals and a liquid medium (electrolyte) that can conduct electricity. Metal implants, fillings, crowns, partials, and orthodontic appliances provide the dissimilar metals, and saliva in the mouth serves as the electrolyte. This phenomenon, called “oral galvanism,” creates two major concerns.
First, the electrical currents increase the rate of corrosion (or dissolution) of metal-based dental restorations. Even precious metal alloys continuously release ions into the mouth due to corrosion, a process that gnaws away at the metal’s surface. These ions react with other components of the body, leading to sensitivity, inflammation, and, ultimately, autoimmune disease. Increasing the corrosion rate, therefore, increases the chance of developing immunologic or toxic reactions to the metals.
These electrical potentials, especially those developed by implants, set in a chronic, degenerative and inflamed section of the bone, can disturb local physiology and affect the body’s entire regulatory ability through osseous, lymphatic, immune, vascular, endocrine, autonomic nervous and meridian systems.
A second concern is that some individuals are very susceptible to these internal electrical currents. Dissimilar metals in the mouth can cause unexplained pain, nerve shocks, ulcerations and inflammation. Many people also experience a constant metallic or salty taste, a burning sensation in the mouth, and insomnia.
TGN - Public Diagnostic Platform
A helpful questionnaire for the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from varies types of trigeminal neuralgia.
Civil Statutes of Limitations
Know the time limits for filing a lawsuit (statutes of limitations) in your state.
The chart within the link contains common statutes of limitations—the number of years you have to file a particular type of lawsuit—for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The rules and procedure in this area are complex, and the consequences for failing to follow them are harsh—you’ll lose the right to pursue your action. When in doubt, seek legal counsel.
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State Boards Governing Dentistry Contact Information
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Vitamin D is better than ANY vaccine
Germans found that Vitamin D increases the immune system by 3-5 times and is BETTER than any vaccine at helping the immune system beat the h5n1 (bird flu) virus. See 2:20 Research from PubMed: In 1981, R. Edgar Hope-Simpson proposed that a 'seasonal stimulus' intimately associated with solar radiation explained the remarkable seasonality of epidemic influenza. Solar radiation triggers robust seasonal vitamin D production in the skin; vitamin D deficiency is common in the winter, and activated vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D, a steroid hormone, has profound effects on human immunity. 1,25(OH)2D acts as an immune system modulator, preventing excessive expression of inflammatory cytokines and increasing the 'oxidative burst' potential of macrophages. Perhaps most importantly, it dramatically stimulates the expression of potent anti-microbial peptides, which exist in neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer cells, and in epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract where they play a major role in protecting the lung from infection. Volunteers inoculated with live attenuated influenza virus are more likely to develop fever and serological evidence of an immune response in the winter. Vitamin D deficiency predisposes children to respiratory infections. Ultraviolet radiation (either from artificial sources or from sunlight) reduces the incidence of viral respiratory infections, as does cod liver oil (which contains vitamin D). An interventional study showed that vitamin D reduces the incidence of respiratory infections in children. We conclude that vitamin D, or lack of it, may be Hope-Simpson's 'seasonal stimulus'- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16...
7 Signs of Low Vitamin D (How Many do You Have?)
So many people in the industrialized nations are deficient in Vitamin D, it is truly an epidemic. When you consider that it is not just a vitamin, but also a pro-hormone, you can begin to understand the importance of this deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to weakened bones, yes, but it can also lead to weakened immune systems as well. The risk of cancer, and many other illnesses, increases with a dropping vitamin D level. The best way to get Vitamin D is from the Sun and from your diet. If you live too far north for the Sun, and can't get enough in your diet, then you should supplement. Having a healthy Vitamin D level is very important to your good health and longevity.
Bone loss and dental implants
When teeth go away, bone goes away! Bone loss can complicate dental implant treatment. Here's an easy to understand video explaining what happens to your jawbone after you have teeth removed.
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Dental Implants Pro's & Con's
This is a great educational video about your oral anatomy, the importance of teeth and the pro's & con's of dental implants. It provides an easy to understand guide to dental options depending on your needs.
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Consequences of Losing All Your Teeth.
A couple short and informative videos on the physiology of your teeth and jaw bone and why you should forego removal of your teeth unless absolutely necessary.
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Wearing Dentures Can Reduce Life Expectancy By Ten (10) Years
Malnutrition is a major problem faced by elderly people whose bite force is reduced by 75% in the first 5 years of wearing dentures and a shocking 97% after 15 years.
Dentures put wearers at risk of malnutrition because they cause wearers to avoid healthy foods which are difficult to chew, a major study has shown.
Researchers at King's College London found the same was true for people with tooth loss, who also struggle to chew food properly.
In both cases, tooth loss and wearing dentures was associated with joint and muscle frailty, which can leave people at risk of bone breakages and falls.
The scientists said that people with dentures, or fewer teeth find it difficult to eat foods such as fibrous fruits and vegetables, nuts, and meat, which are essential for good nutrition.
Although dentures improve chewing function, the bite force is much weaker than that of natural teeth, meaning users often avoid certain foods.
"Persons of inadequate dentition are less likely to eat hard food that is difficult to chew, for example, some of the fresh fruits and vegetables, apples, pears, carrots, nuts, etc," said Dr. Wael Sabbah, from King's College London Dental Institute.
"They could also have difficulties in eating some cooked food such as meat, depending on the way it is cooked."
The study examined the health of more than 1.800 people who had an average age of 62, and were categorized into three groups; having at least 20 teeth, denture wearers with fewer than 20 teeth, and people and non-denture wearers with fewer than 20 teeth.
Researchers tested all groups for strength, frailty, BMI, and oral health, and were interviewed about their nutritional intake.
The group that had less than 20 teeth and did not use dentures, and those who used dentures, were found to have consumed the least amount of nutrients, compared to recommended daily amounts. They were also found to be more frail.
Denture wearers and those with fewer teeth were 32% more likely to be frail, and 20% more likely to be nutritionally deficient.
The researchers say the study demonstrates how important oral health is in preventing tooth loss which can cause nutritional deficiencies in later life.
Nutrients are crucial to maintain muscle mass and stave off musculoskeletal frailty.
"Few studies have examined the relationship between oral health, the number of teeth, and general frailty," added Dr. Sabbah.
"One of the important findings of the study is the significant relationship between the condition of teeth and deficiency in intake of essential nutrients, regardless of the use of dentures.
"To date, the majority of efforts to improve frailty have focused on nutrition strategies, including health education, while the influence of teeth on dietary restraint of the elderly has been neglected.
"The findings of this analysis. along with that reported in earlier research, suggest that the use of dentures could be a neglected intervention that could potentially have a preventative impact on musculoskeletal frailty.
"The results also highlight the importance of developing oral health policies to ensure older adults maintain functional dentition throughout their life."
The research was published in the journal Geriatrics & Gerontology International.
there is no such thing as gold dental implant, but you can still have a gold tooth with a titanium implant and a gold crown. Click on Gold Dental Implants to learn more.
This is What Your Tongue Has to Say About Your Health!
Most of us don’t really think about our tongues on a daily basis. They’re one of those body parts that are important but tend to be forgotten… until we eat something too hot. Like other parts of the body, the tongue can show signs of illness or trauma to let us know that something isn’t quite right. Being able to recognize these seven signs associated with your tongue can help you pinpoint what’s wrong.
Cosmetic, Dental and Plastic Surgery Guide for your Beauty
Dental Implants 101
Dental Implants 101 , is an easy to understand guide to what you need to know about dental implants. This guide takes you step by step thru the process from initial consultation to placement of the implants to completing the crown work. Highly recommended for those new to the world of implants.
*The following link (Dental Implant problems and complications) is also a recommended read.
Many Thanks to DDS Supporter Toni Lebel-Kimatian for sharing this information.
Lyme & the three shields: Links between heavy metal toxicity and other organisms
The three shields: a co-dependant ecosystem (PARASITES / HEAVY METAL / MOULD)
We’re all exposed to heavy metals regularly. Though the symptoms are hard to pinpoint, heavy metals are in our environment, and food. They’re even in our drinking water. The most common heavy metals include aluminum, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and lead.
Dental implant problems and complications : what can go wrong ?
By the way, if your dentist assures you implants are 100% successful,
then alarm bells should start to ring, and you should probably seek another dentist.
In fact, there is 5 or 2% failure that you must be aware of.
Most of those failures are caused by bad planning or incomplete assessment of the patient’s bone conditions, which is often associated with a lack of skills or inexperienced dentists. But fortunately, most issues can be easily solved if corrective actions are taken quickly.
For most cases, dental implants are a no-brainer choice when it comes to replacing a missing tooth or teeth, by using implants as roots to anchor teeth into the jawbone.
Many Thanks to DDS Supporter Toni Lebel-Kimatian for sharing this information.
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Open Your Mouth And Say Goo-Goo: Dentists Treating Ever-Younger Patients
Hoping to narrow the gap in care, the public health agencies of San Francisco and Alameda counties are launching pilot programs to train dentists to treat babies.
To stave off a lifetime of dental problems and make sure parents learn how to prevent children’s tooth decay, babies should have their first exam when they get their first tooth, or no later than their 1st birthday, according to guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
PLEASE NOTE: These guidelines should be in cooperation with the pediatric association in a joint effort to promote good dental health nationwide as babies/children are followed more closely medically to start with.
Many Thanks to DDS Supporter Suzan Addison Shinazy for sharing this information.
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Is The Dentist Scamming You For Money? Here’s How To Know
Dentists are profit-driven, just like the rest of us. Every time they “find” a tooth that needs filling or a root canal that needs drilling, they’re filling their coffers. Obviously, there are plenty of cases where there is a legitimate need for that work, but there’s also plenty of other instances where that dentist is blowing the problem completely out of proportion, or perhaps even inventing one, in order to meet their quota for the day. All it really comes down to is the integrity of the dentist in question.
So how do you know your dentist is scamming you?
How can you tell whether those little blips on the x-rays they’re showing you are actually cavities?
Here’s how to sort the fact from the fiction.
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When Good Implants Go Bad
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Poor oral health contributes to 6 common diseases
“Giving up junk food.” “Getting off the sofa.” “Quitting smoking.” These are the common, and beneficial, lifestyle changes that many people adopt when they become serious about avoiding heart disease and cancer. But, what about poor oral health? (does your doctor appreciate the danger?)
Sadly, there are literally millions and millions of people that walk uninformed about how gum disease can set the stage for six serious diseases. Keep in mind, these horrific health problems are completely avoidable – when given the right information.
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Three Questions to Ask Your Dentist Since the EPA Has Ruled Dental Mercury Amalgam Fillings are Unsafe for the Environment
Health and environmental professionals can agree that mercury is a well-known neurotoxin and should be kept out of our waste water systems. However, most dentists in the US currently do not use an amalgam separator - a device that captures mercury before water is released into public water treatment works and sewers. To educate consumers in making healthy and environmentally responsible decisions, TALK International dot com has released a list of questions for consumers to ask their own dentist about how mercury is being handled in their dental office.
Many Thanks to DDS Supporter Peter Aleff for sharing this information.
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Dr. Hal Huggins, DDS
Balanced Chemistry for Better Health
Many Thanks to Dental Supporter Lorrie Corry for sharing this information.
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Rebuilding a smile is no small undertaking. Once teeth are lost, replacing them with enduring, attractive, healthy, functional ones takes years of training, advanced technology, manual dexterity, and varied skills. Pi Dental Center’s Dr. Glenn Wolfinger is a Board Certified Prosthodontist who is equipped to take on this task.
After completing the doctoral degree program in dentistry, a Prosthodontic specialist receives at least three years of additional training in an ADA-accredited graduate prosthodontic program. Prosthodontics blends science, engineering and esthetics to provide a prosthesis with optimum appearance and function. Prosthodontists treat dental and facial problems that restore missing tooth and jaw structures. They are highly trained in cosmetics, dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, and temporomandibular disorders.
A Board Certified Prosthodontist has successfully passed a rigorous four-part examination conducted by the American Board of Prosthodontics.
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Toxic Tooth—How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick
Is Your Smile Worth Your Life?
Bacteria from Root Canals May Worsen Other Diseases
What you need to know before undergoing a Root Canal. A root canal procedure isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time, but if one is necessary, we don’t question it’s safety. According to Robert Kulacz, DDS and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, we should. Here, they reveal the hidden dangers of root canals. Nobody looks forward to having a root canal but if your in constant discomfort because of an infected tooth, you’ll willingly hop into the dentists chair and open wide. Sure, you might worry about feeling pain during the procedure (or paying for it afterward), but beyond those concerns, there’s really no reason to worry about undergoing this common outpatient procedure right? Wrong. Robert Kulacz, DDS and Thomas E. Levy MD JD, say that a root canal is actually a scientifically flawed and potentially dangerous procedure. “Instead of solving a problem, root canals introduce a steady stream of dangerous and even deadly toxins into your body,” says Dr. Levy, co-author along with Dr. Kulacz of The Toxic Tooth: How a root canal could be making you sick. “Root canal treated teeth are not sterile and contain pathogenic bacteria, which spread throughout the body and can initiate or worsen heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even cancer.”
Many Thanks to Dental Supporter Suzan Addison for sharing this information.
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Your Mouth Is A Window Into Your Health: Dental Industry Scams & How To Detox Your Mouth
This page comes from an out of the box web site that focus's on education. With so much media promotion of products, the focus is more on the monetary prize than on health.
Much of what the dental industry supports and encourages consumers to purchase and use “to improve oral health” actually poses numerous threats to our dental health. Commercial toothpastes primarily use toxic substances as a means to “clean your mouth,” as the ingredients in regular toothpastes can cause enamel damage, dental flourosis, stomach ailments, skin rashes, and more.
One of the worst ingredients found in most conventional and “dentist approved” toothpastes is fluoride. Fluoride has been a known neurotoxin for a long time, but the government claims it benefits our teeth. In reality, it’s not even known to actually prevent the buildup of harmful oral bacteria; however, it is known to be toxic, with long-term ingestion linked to brain, heart, and bone issues. You can get fluoride free toothpaste here.
Conventional dentists also use a mixture of toxic substances to fill your teeth, commonly referred to as “silver fillings” in the North American dental industry, consisting primarily of mercury, silver, copper, and tin. The amalgam is actually 50% mercury, which passes through cell membranes, across your blood-brain barrier, and directly into your central nervous system, and can cause serious psychological, neurological, and immunological issues. Every time you chew with a silver filling in your mouth, methylmercury is released, resulting in the suppression of your immune system. Metal fillings pose a grave threat to children in particular because their brains are still developing.
Many Thanks to Dental Supporter Dana Herbert for sharing this information.
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Steel Standing
A true medical story depicting how metal allergies implanted in her mother created a mysterious medical journey.
Patricia began to experience an increased weakness in her arms, wrists, hands and fingers. She had played the piano since age 4. Her upper body strength was tremendous. Yet, she gradually became unable to feed, bathe or live independently without assistance. It was an mysterious occurrence.
What triggered her healthy body to succumb to a rapid weakness?
NOTE: While this reference is related to a knee replacement, it is the reaction to the metals used in that procedure and it's side effects that are important here. Chromium Cobalt is known for it's dangerous carcinogenic effects on the body[i].
[i]"Carcinogenic metal compounds: Recent insight into molecular and cellular mechanisms
Chromium and cobalt are both widely considered cancer causing in humans. This research describes 3 indirect ways that these types of metals can trigger cancer and damage our cellular systems. 1) DNA damage that leads to the stimulation of cellular growth; 2.) Inhibition of DNA repair system that can cause mutations; 3.) disruption of the processes that stop the proliferation of cancer cells. Some specific types of metal compounds, such as trivalent chromium, bind directly to DNA. Journal- Arch Toxicol (2009) Authors- Detmar Beyersmann & Andrea Hartwig."
Warning: Toxic chemicals in dental crowns from China
Buyer beware – you get what you pay for
U.S. dentists admit that using Chinese labs instead of U.S. labs allows them to pay as little as one-fifth of what local labs typically charge. Few dentists pass the savings along to clients, and the patient leaves with a mouthful of potentially harmful toxic chemicals and components. The dental offices that do offer deep discounts on crowns are likely importing them from China.
All crowns, bridges, dentures and other cosmetic additions are not created alike. When getting dental work, it’s crucial to find out what exactly is being put into your mouth. You have the right to inquire about where dental components have been made and the materials it contains. If a dentist refuses to share this information, this is a major red flag. Find a dentist who uses only safe dental components from trusted U.S.-based labs.
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Can This Tooth Be Saved?
A simple and easy to understand question and answer article that looks at concerns we may have about saving a tooth and the process by which determines whether or not extraction becomes a possibility.
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Aspen Dental Reviews and Complaints
Thousands of complaints about Dental Chain Aspen Dental plague the pages of Pissedconsumer.com. Consumers are speaking out about fraudulent practices, their 'no refund' policies, workmanship, you name it, someone's complained about it.
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NSAID Pain Killers Linked to Irregular Heartbeat
NSAIDs Carry Potentially Serious Health Risks
The poster child of deadly NSAIDs is Vioxx, which was released in 2000. A year before Vioxx was approved, I warned my readers about the cardiovascular risks associated with the drug. It took four years and 60,000 deaths (due to heart-related side effects) before warnings were heeded and Vioxx was removed from the market.
In 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also cautioned that NSAIDs, including COX-2 inhibitors like Bextra (which was removed from the market in 2005) and Celebrex, along with other over-the-counter varieties like Aleve, ibuprofen, and aspirin, are all associated with potentially serious side effects, including:
Cardiovascular problems
GI bleeding4
Kidney problems
Increased blood pressure
In February this year, the FDA took another look at the heart risks associated with various NSAIDs. Some research had indicated that naproxen might be less risky than other NSAIDs, but the panel ultimately voted 16-9 against changing the warning label on naproxen to suggest it's safer for your heart other drugs in this class.5
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Consumer Healthcare Reviews on Yelp Help
Finding reliable, understandable information about healthcare quality and prices is very challenging for most consumers. Are healthcare reviews on social networks statistically valid? An analysis of consumer ratings for New York State hospitals on Yelp, the social network, were positively correlated to objective scores of hospital quality, according to the research published in Yelp for Health: Using the Wisdom of Crowds to Find High-Quality Hospitals, from the Manhattan Institute.
Yelp scores are “good composite measures,” the researchers conclude; while other metrics could explain more details about the “why” in variation of hospital quality, Yelp ratings are understandable to most people.
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Toxic Metals in Your Mouth: Be Aware of the Potentially Harmful Metal Components in Your Dental Work
These alloys typically contain 75 percent nickel and 2 percent beryllium. Nickel is the most carcinogenic metal known, and many women are allergic to it. Many orthodontic brackets are about 10 percent nickel.
Other metal components include nickel, chromium and cobalt in partial dental frameworks. Titanium dental implants can be made with 100 percent titanium or a common alloy that includes 6 percent aluminum and 4 percent vanadium. All of these materials have great physical properties, but biologically they are a disaster. For example, aluminum has been implicated in many health problems, including breast cancer, according to research published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology.¹
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Transparency In Dental
"Most dental patients are not aware that nearly 38 percent of dental restoration units are made overseas by foreign dental laboratories, according to the U.S. International Trade Commission. Additionally, domestic labs remain unregulated in more than 40 states by their respective state boards of dentistry."
All dental patients should assess the quality of their restorations by asking their dentists these five basic questions:
“What is the education and training of the dental technician creating my restoration?”
“Is the dental laboratory you work with certified and by whom?”
“Where is your dental laboratory located?”
“What patient contact materials are in the restorations you are prescribing for the treatment plan?”
“How does your dental practice ensure that it is not using misbranded or grey market dental parts and materials?”
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Your Right to Medical Records
The federal Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) gives patients the right to obtain a copy of their medical records from any medical provider, with a few exceptions.
According to the law, you have a RIGHT to your medical/dental file upon request! Make sure you 'Know Your Rights' when it comes to taking care of your health!
Thank You Scott Bartlett for bringing this article to our attention!
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Where is nickel found?
Nickel is found in trace amounts in the earth’s crust, in water and food, in the atmosphere and cigarette smoke, and in some metal alloys such as stainless steel.
It is also found, in larger amounts, in some medical and dental devices, such as “economy” or “base” dental alloys, which can contain as much as 78% nickel.
The American Cancer Society states that nickel is an IARC Group 1 carcinogen, meaning that it is known to cause cancer in humans yet the ADA is still promoting it as safe despite the fact many foreign countries have outlawed it use!
Thank You Dana Herbert for sharing & enlightening us.
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Dental Dangers from Toxic Dentistry
The premise of biocompatible dentistry is that you do not place just any material in somebody’s body and hope that everything will be all right. Biocompatible dentistry aims to test and confirm that the filling materials will not adversely affect your health.
Your body and nervous system operate on a very small electrical current. Metal fillings can produce electrical currents that can be exponentially stronger than the electrical currents in your body. Considering that your teeth are connected to the largest sensory nerve in your body, the trigeminal nerve, this excess of electricity can cause harm.
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Before visiting your doctor, make sure you make a list of the questions that you want
to discuss.
It's vital to realize that before you venture into any procedure where metal is being placed in the body that you Pre-Test to ensure a safer outcome! This form is provided by the Melissa.org but there are also two other testing facilities that cover a multitude of potential allergens. I will provide the links here.
Melisa Test: http://www.melisa.org
Cliffords Test: http://www.ccrlab.com
BioComp Test: http://www.biocomplabs.com
LabCorp Test: https://www.labcorp.com/ (limited testing of metals)
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The Differences in Dental Crown Alloys
Here's an easy to understand site about Dental Crown Alloys. It's careful in dancing around the use of dissimilar metals by suggesting Precious if you can afford it. But at least it explains the different classifications available for crowns and bridges.
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Material Biocompatibility
"If simply wearing jewellery of lesser quality can lead to redness of the skin or even an allergic reaction, one can only imagine the extent to which the highly-permeable oral soft tissues can become irritated and inflamed by the permanent presence of non-precious metals. Once sufficiently irritated, these tissues can become a gateway for easy access to the bloodstream and the rest of the body. It bears mention that not all metals are to blame, but the most harmful are non-precious metals, particularly when several different metals are found in the same oral cavity."
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Non-Precious Alloy heavy metal poisoning
Non-precious alloys are used when maximum strength is desired, appearance is not a factor, but cost is most important. Since it does not contain any gold, cost is less. There are two basic formulations, one that contains nickel and one that is nickel-free.
The controversial issue is that nickel, beryllium, cobalt, chromium, and palladium may cause immune problems and/or toxicity.
Dissimilar metals in the mouth, including different formulations of the “same” metal, create microamps of current which could cause oral pain, corrosion of the metal (black mercury amalgam fillings), dry mouth, metallic taste, erythema (red & swollen gums), and possible dysfunction of other organ systems, endocrine glands, etc. on that meridian.
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This is a very interesting video statistically and well worth a watch!
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These next two articles are a MUST READ before venturing into any kind of extensive dental work!
Communication and partnership in any venture provides the best results but on occasion, the unexpected can happen. When that happens, things can go radically wrong and leave both professional and patient at odds. That's when you may think to seek legal action and suddenly find yourself without that option!
Believe it or not, several factors you might not have considered or thought mattered can make taking your case to court, tougher than you think!
That's why finding the Right Dental Professional you can feel comfortable and confident with, who'll stand by their work should an issue arise is the best case scenario for both Patient, AND Dental Professional.
Read why in this article
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This article helps explain the importance of compatibility with regards to the use of different materials in the oral cavity. Remember, ANY two dissimilar metals in a liquid medium (Saliva) turns your mouth into a Battery that's within inches of your brain! Just scroll the page to read the article
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I cannot stress this point enough...
Before you have ANY Dental/Medical procedure involving Metals (Hip/Knee Replacement, Implants, Dental Bridges, Crowns), it would be in Your Best Interest to PRE TEST for any potential allergies. Scroll to read the article
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Here's a great follow up article after you've read the previous info. The one to pay special attention to is #3 & #7! There are also some great links in #7 you can follow up on. Just scroll to read the article.
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This video is a Wake Up Call for all those who think the FDA works with the best interest of the public in mind!
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ADA American Dental Association
Questions to Ask Your Dentist about Anesthesia and Sedation for Your Child.
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The ADA Comes Under Fire!!
Find out WHY your dentist doesn't tell you about Amalgam and it's deadly effects.
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FDA Public Health Notification: Patient Burns from Electric Dental Handpieces
This is to inform you about serious patient injuries, including third degree burns, associated with the use of poorly maintained electric dental handpieces, and to recommend specific actions to prevent or minimize the problem. While this notification is directed to dental health professionals, the following information may be useful to all users of electric handpieces.
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Safety Investigation of Patient Burns Associated with Electric Dental Handpieces and Electric Oral Bone-cutting Handpieces
The FDA is again alerting dental professionals that serious patient burns can occur when electric dental handpieces overheat during dental procedures. Burns may not be apparent to the operator or the patient until after the tissue damage has occurred, because the anesthetized patient cannot feel the tissue burning and the handpiece housing insulates the operator from the heated attachment. These burns range from first degree burns to third degree burns requiring reconstructive surgery.
The FDA first informed dental professionals of this problem in 2007 (see Public Health Notification: Patient Burns from Electric Dental Handpieces). In that notice, the FDA reminded users of the importance of properly maintaining the handpieces. Since the notice, the FDA has received numerous additional reports of patients being burned by electric dental handpieces.
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