DDS.. Continued
Within the following pages are several documents, pictures, audio and/or literature presented to show dscrepancies regarding materials used in my dental device, it's continued malfunction and the related negative effects both orally and physically.
This page also houses a very important aspect of my dental story and one I desperately want to raise awareness too. The Use of Dissimilar and/or Non-Precious Metals in today's dentistry.
The great concern with Amalgam (Mercury) fillings and its negative effects on the human body have been on the rise in the media lately but the public is not making the connection with the rest of their dental work and there's a reason.
Even though society has us scrutinizing and researching everything from politics to global warming, how many of us ever ask our dentist what materials are being used in our dental work?
Never thought to ask? Why would you, Right?
Seeking out a dental professional for a procedure without doing your homework or asking the right questions can quickly find you in a world of hurt with a multitude of bizarre symptoms affecting every cell of your being that may take years, if ever, to get correctly diagnosed., as in my case.
FYI Did you know any two dissimilar and/or unlike metals in a liquid medium (Saliva) instantly creates a battery? That's right, your a "Walking Human Battery" creating electrical current just inches from your brain. Watch the video The Potato Clock on the Patient Empowerment Page if you need to understand the use of dissimilar metals in the oral cavity.
With that being said, after realizing how many different metals I have in my mouth instead of what I was told by the Lab owner, I started researching Dissimilar/Non-Precious metals and the more I learned, the deeper the rabbit hole went. In that research, I came across an article (1st article below) and after reading the story, reached out to the dentist that was interviewed and that kind gentleman who took time to help a patient in need is Dr. Jean-Paul Davidas.
Dr. Davidas is the oldest practicing dentist doing implants in Europe with close to 50 years of experience in dentistry and a member of the French national organization for standardization (Association Française de Normalisation). His email and the beginnings of my research were all the validation I needed to finally feel vindicated in my claims.
Below is one of many emails between Dr. Davidas and me and I don't think it takes a brain surgeon once you have the basic concept on the use of Dissimilar metals to put "two & two" together in my story. However, we did not know at that time, I had developed an immune response to Cobalt and several other metals that would require removal in order to improve.
Dear Dee ,
I just get your mail !
Let me take some Time to answer. I am on holydays for a few more days .
Any how at once i can tell you that you must NEVER have gold on contact with Cobalt Chrome .Never mix différent métals in mouth .Change gold bar for a Chrome cobalt bar immédiatly .I think You will feel at once much better. Very soon i come back to you .
Sincerly yours
Pr.Dr.Davidas Jean Paul
Scroll to read the article below.
Here's an easy to understand site about Dental Crown Alloys. It's careful in dancing around the use of dissimilar metals by suggesting Precious if you can afford it. But at least it explains the different classifications available for crowns and bridges.
Below is a digital photo I took with the actual description from the labs website of my bridgework. As I was told and as you can listen & read below, Titanium is the metal of choice for compatability. That's what I was told I had.
This fact is validated via this legally obtained recording.
**The above audio is intended for viewing on this web site only and contains information that is privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any further dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please notify me immediately by email thru the contact info tab if you are viewing this thru any other means of communication. This message is provided in accordance with HIPAA Omnibus Rule of 2013.**
The following three (3) chemical certificates were provided to me by The Lab showing the different components of eatch metal used in my restoration and its percentage. I will also include the health warnings (if any) associated with each component used.
Two things important to note here:
1. Despite being told I had an all Titanium dental devise, you won't see it reflected in any of the certificates provided by the Lab.
2. Pay attention to the Types of metal used (highlighted in purple) in my comments. You'll see the Lab owner did exactly what he stated to me he wouldn't do in 2014 and used Non-Precious metals for my dental restoration.
So here we have the certificate of the prosthetic which contains the following metals:
Co - Cobalt, Cr - Chromium, Mo - Molybdenum and Mn - Maganese.
Non-noble (Non-precious metal)

This is the certificate for the solid bar attached to the Maxillae (upper jaw) implants also known as the "fixed" part of the system. They include the following metals: Au- Gold, Ag - Silver, Cu - Copper and Pd - Palladium.
High noble alloys (Precious metal)

The final certificate is the bridgework for the lower bridges. They include the following: Au - Gold, Pd - Palladium, Ag - Silver, In - Indium, Ga - Gallium, and Ru - Ruthenium.
Noble alloys (Semiprecious metal)

This last certificate was provided by my oral surgeon's office. It reflects the 11 implants he successfully placed. As you can see it is mainly Titanium.

The following is a video clip from the Netflix series 'Afflicted' Chapter 6 Mind & Body. It references one womans struggle to try to resolve her long-standing health issues and what an Oral Potential Reading analysis showed them about the metals used in her dental work and how it negatively impacts her health.