My Dental Disaster
"If The Words Don't Add Up, It's Usually Because The Truth Wasn't Included In The Equation!"
My story begins after my upper jaw had deteriorated to the point of becoming what's known as a 'Dental Cripple'. Decades of bone atrophy caused a slue of problems including chronic headaches and in 2003, I entered into what's known as a complete Dental Restoration.
The procedure involved a 3 day stay in the hospital for a sinus lift and bone grafting from my hip to my upper jaw. The placement of 11 implants, 6 upper 5 lower and once healed, the next step was seeing the Prosthodontist to have the framework (crown and bridgework) created and then installed. Total price for the restoration a whooping $68,000 with another $6000 to replace material I suddenly had an immune response to.
The installation of that crown & bridgework is where my nightmare began.....
And that nightmare is two-fold. By that I mean, not only did my prosthetic not fit 'Passively' which is a major blunder on Dr. Van Dongen's part but the Bio-Compatible materials I was told I had and as advertised on Mr. Napolitano's web site, were substituted for cheaper, more problematic ones.
Long story short, after a 9 year struggle for answers from the consistent dental issues and continuing declining health, I came to find based on attorney recommended evidence and the validation by several Dental professionals, I was deceived by both dentist (Dr. Craig VanDongen) and lab owner (Richard Napolitano of Knights Dental formally Precision Craft Dental).
To my knowledge, I am the ONLY dental patient of harm who can definitively prove my case was absolutely Dental Malpractice and Fraud. As you navigate thru my personal account, video, legally obtained audio and witness statements, the tragedy I suffered becomes blatantly obvious of how completely preventable it was.
The Dentist
I found out in 2014 by lab owner Mr. Napolitano (after getting fed up with Dr. Van Dongen) the "Vise-Grip" feeling I had been experiencing since the install, wasn't supposed to be there. I was told my removable prosthetic should've seated right away, clasps close, no discomfort. Or, in other words, 'Passively' fit.
To date, that has never happened.
When the dentist first saw that I had to bite down hard several times to get the clasps to close he should've immediately addressed the issue. Instead throughout the years and multiple fixes, Dr. Van Dongen never directly addresses my complaints as if to imply, no problem existed.
If your asking direct questions as a patient and your dentist is shrugging his/her shoulders without answers making you feel like its no big deal what are you left to think?
He's the professional right?
As a layperson, I ask my readers this question...
How could a dentist tell a patient year after year, "well, I, I could send it back to Richard (Napolitano) and say look it's rocking but it wasn't rocking on the model so"
and not think to investigate if his patient is expressing a problem?
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If your bridgework is configured from the model that's supposed to be identical to your mouth and the prosthetic (Over-Denture) fits on the model but Rocks, in your mouth, wouldn't you think that to be a Red Flag that there was something seriously wrong?
Wouldn't it also be a Red Flag if every time the fixed bar (that's attached to the implants) caused you to exhibit serious signs of discomfort upon installing or removal? So much so you squirm in the chair and sometimes brought to tears!
Click the link below to listen to the discomfort I've endured since day one whenever the bar was removed or installed.
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If I'm one (1) of a potential Thirty (30) patients in the United States with this dental device (validated by company rep) and the only one to my knowledge that exhibits this kind of discomfort, how could the Prosthodontist ignore the discomfort I've been experiencing since the install?
If stability is vital to ensure the longevity of the Implants and Dental Device, why wasn't the vise grip feeling and rocking issues I had been experiencing and complaining about for years ever addressed?
I went to my oral surgeon Dr. Ray English at the end of 2015 to express my concerns and when I posed a question asking how much movement should the Dental Devise have? He responded with: "None!"
Then I asked how much movement the fixed bar should have and Dr. English stated Oh no, the bar can't move. Notice in the audio how his assistant 'chuckles' as I try to explain in layman's terms, what I was experiencing. I found that to be very, unprofessional and a very 'common' response in this field. Anyway, Dr. English then checks the rocking I complain about, agrees the overdenture is rocking, and mentions he wishes it wasn't moving like that because it wasn't good for the implants over the long term!
NOTE: In the following audio I referenced a date of 2011 about the rocking issue, that was when I attempted to get the issue addressed (along with the monomer allergies) by having the material remade into a safer product, the rocking had actually started before that date.
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As stated by the oral surgeon, Dr. Ray English in the audio, he wishes the prosthetic wasn't rocking because that wasn't good for the implants. The following videos demonstrate the 'rocking' that went on consistently for years, unaddressed.
Had I known and understood what 'passive fit' meant, I would've known the install was done incorrectly. This issue was repeatedly brought to the attention of Dr. Craig VanDogen (Prosthodontist), Dr. Ray English (oral surgeon) and the lab owner Richard Napolitano however, I was continually placated with quick fixes because unknown to me at the time, Richard SOLD the machine that created my bridgework. A restoration prosthetic he said, he was promoting vigorously because it worked, yet, a year after his statement, that was not what he conveyed. Sadly, I found that to be another 'discrepancy' of truth.
So the only movement that should've been noticeable as time went by, was the wearing down of the locator filament in the front that requires periodic upkeep. That would make the prosthetic loose in the front causing a vertical 'up & down' motion, not a side to side rocking motion.
These videos are from 2013 and 2014 but its been and continues to be, a long standing issue for which I can find no resolve.
The Lab
In a 'twist of fate', in the following audio, you'll hear PCD Lab owner Mr. Richard Napolitano actually 'subconsciously' admit, the bridgework was misaligned. He also understood the ramifications of metals 'rubbing' (that facilitated the release of metal ions) due to the misalignment and made 'several' promises after this recording to 'fix' the malfunction but never did. He also lied to both me and my witness about the 'type' of the metals used in my bridgework created by his lab. He did not manufacture the all Titanium bridgework as advertised on his PCD Dental website but instead, used the very metals he claimed he'd never use because of the nightmares it causes!
Why was I told one thing and given something he claimed to know was a nightmare for patients?
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Maybe this next 'key' piece of evidence is why? Listen to how to lab tech mentions the use, of 'alloys', to keep the price down unless specified by your dental professional.
Maybe the fact there is no oversight with regards to materials used in dentistry (aka Chemical Certificate) is the reason this fraudulent behavior is allowed to happen?
Maybe because the dental professionals are under no pressure to provide informed consent because there's no one to complain to?
And one more important note to mention here is, she validated a suspicion I had about the machine they used to make my system. She mentions how they hadn't used Begopal in 'Years' and why is that important? Because that's what my restoration system is called.
In May of 2014, the lab owner 'claimed' he was selling this system to everyone because it worked and he believed in it. At an appointment in 2015, he first stated he thought he 'sold' the machine and later into the appointment, confirmed it.
So, within a year, he went from saying he was promoting the system everywhere because he believed in it to, selling the machine because it wasn't making any money. At a 2nd opinion, I was told by another prosthodontist it was a 'junk' system guaranteed to fail. Is that why there are only 30 ppl that have this German-made system here?
He knew what he sold me just like he knew about the galvanic corrosion in the metals he told me and my witness about in the above audio. He and Dr. Van Dongen, 'placated' me for years while I suffered day in and day out because Richard sold the machine! That's why all his promises to fix it, never panned out. I even remember one appointment where Dr. Van Dongen mentioned it didn't look like anything was done to the prosthetic after being at Richards lab for weeks.
Knowing how bad things got towards the end, I'm left to inherently wonder, was Dr. Van Dongen being deliberately vicious by altering my prosthetic so much, I couldn't speak without a noticeable lisp I didn't have before, nor close my mouth fully. And given he has a history of being abusive (validated on page 4 of my story) can my readers really blame me for questioning? If I was becoming a thorn in his side because I was piecing the puzzle together, wouldn't you wonder if he was a smiling assassin so to speak? Given the depths of my story, I certainly do!
Being fair to my readers, you do not have the benefit of knowing what transpired at our last meeting but, I hope to tell the tale soon and show the world just how apathetic these two professionals were towards my declining health, loss of my passion both emotionally & monetarily and the hopelessness I was left with.
**The above audio is intended for viewing on this web site only and contains information that is privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any further dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please notify me immediately by email thru the contact info tab if you are viewing this thru any other means of communication. This message is provided in accordance with HIPAA Omnibus Rule of 2013.**
To further confirm my case, here is audio by a prosthodontist I was referred to the following month after the November 2015 meeting. Despite being unwilling to replace a $20 filament for a locator on my prosthetic that would've provided 'some' longevity, I decided to ask her a direct question regarding the 'fixed' bar that's attached to the upper implants. I asked if any other patient who has this system, ever exhibited any discomfort when removing the bar?
Simply put, I had learned and understood what 'Passive Fit' meant and knew I didn't have it, she confirmed that by answering no. There should be no discomfort or pain upon installation or removal of the fixed bar period. And her validation of that by saying no should leave no question or doubt, this bridgework was never installed correctly.
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I am now suffering from extremely ill health from metal poisoning along with the daily struggles of malfunctioning and deteriorating dental work.
Without the resources to restore the damage done and the absence of the necessary dental/medical care needed because I'm being punished for speaking out. I am now back to being a partial dental cripple after spending all that money and enduring all the associated pain in the process.
I have fallen back into a vicious cycle of debilitating Migraine headaches, cranial and sinus pain, ear & throat problems, issues with my vision, and the list goes on. A bitter pill to swallow for a woman my age (50 +) to have my quality of life become so severely limited.
Much of what I now go thru on a daily basis is believed to be the sole result of metal poisoning. The constant mouth rashes, tongue swelling, dry and burning mouth, loss of sublingual glands (Saliva), loss of taste and/or metallic taste, numbness/tingling and/or swelling in my lips, chronic fatigue, weakness from not eating enough, constant "Vise-Grip" feeling on my face, systemic issues ranging from hives/rashes on my skin, inability to eat without feeling like I'm being poisoned, constant coughing, choking and spitting up sputum anytime I eat or drink even water, excessive chills after eating regardless of the meals temp., swelling & redness of hands, inability to tolerate meds and the list goes on and on!! These are just a few of the things I now suffer without resolve.
The way it was explained to both the Lab owner and myself by the allergist was this:
"Having an allergy to the metals used in your dental restoration is like having an allergy to Poison Ivy and ingesting it daily! Over time, your body will start to show signs of immune response and wreck havoc on your system."
As you read in the previous paragraph, that's exactly what's been happening to me!
When I found out how many metals are actually in my mouth, I was appalled as some of them are considered carcinogenic. They are as follows: Crowns & Over denture (Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Gallium, Gold, Indium, Iridium, Molybdenum, Manganese, Palladium, Ruthenium, Silicon, Silver, Tin, and Zinc). Implants (Carbon, Hydrogen, Iron, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Titanium).
A total of 18 different alloys but you don't see Titanium mentioned anywhere in the list despite the fact of being told otherwise by the Lab owner.
Aside from this, the fact that I have been repeatedly told by different professionals Including the Lab owner (who created this bridgework) that measurements for a successful outcome are reliant upon accuracy within microns. If that be the case, then finding a 1/32 of an inch discrepancy reflects the fixed bar is actually flexing, beyond its designed capacity. That in and of itself set the stage and caused the implants to fail due to overload. That fact was later validated by other Prosthodontists.
Sadly, it took me 9 years to piece the puzzle together and that was 6 years too late according to the law. According to State Statutes (which differ from state to state), you only have 3 years from the time the dental work started in the state of Rhode Island to file a case. After spending $74,000.00 in total for a restoration I now struggle with on a daily basis, health slipping away, loss of my passion, friends and family life, I've been left devastated.
No patient should have to use their home to pay for dental services, only to be deliberately deceived and expected to pay in full all over again to fix botched work.
I have developed a serious immune response to several of the metals used in my dental restoration and the prices I've gotten thus far (here in the US) just to gain a few more years before facing more issues, are astounding. So I had started looking into Dental Tourism for treatment as it seems my only viable option but found I need to start from scratch. Even at their reduced costs, I could not raise the money needed.
This is what one dentist wrote about my case:
“Your case is complicated.
If we keep the current implants there is a chance of them continuing felling over time.
If the implants are removed, you would have a large amount of bone loss and a bone graft would be needed. So it's a hard decision to make. Ultimately, you are the one with an informed diagnosis and treatment plan, has to choose which way to go. Both ways are going to have pros and cons. Either way, there are going to be some functional and aesthetic compromises and is important that you understand it. A CT scan is needed in order to make a good treatment plan.”
You can't imagine what it's been like after being kicked to the curb and left to suffer needlessly when they could've stepped up and fixed the damage they created! To know that no matter how hard I tried, I faced adversity at every turn. From the A.G.'s office telling me they don't address dental cases, the 42 attorneys who said due to state statutes, I simply had no legal case. To, contacting all 3 of our local news stations, State reps and the professional board, handing ALL of them, a detailed outline of my story including audio and video of my case, and have NO ONE, return my calls? HEART BREAKING!
Nothing in my life, has been left untouched from this completely, preventable event I call a tragedy. I've exhausted every avenue possible in seeking help and now ask my readers, in whatever fashion of belief you chose, ask the universe for a speedy demise to end my continued suffering. This is not fair to me or my family and I feel after 16 years, I've dealt with enough from my so called '2nd chance'.
In closing, many have unjustly judged my story based on their own perceptions rather than facts. They chose to question the obvious instead of understanding the obstacles. They chose to adhere to indoctrinated beliefs that are neither beneficial nor healthy to the harmed. So let me explain for those who live inside their 'perfect worlds' that only exists in their minds and is not, the reality of the harmed....
Here's is why 'Hope', is no longer an option and the reason why believing in it, shattered my world as I knew it...
How devastated do you think you'd feel after desperation forces you to ask for help, not, in a legal sense but for crowd funding from the only dental professional actively acknowledging & supporting your efforts on social media and be given a 'Dear Jane' letter in response?
I don't think there's an adjective out there that can adequately describe the cascading effects of hopelessness I felt and continue to struggle with to this day.
Apparently, I hold the word 'friendship', to a very different standard than most because I would never, call someone 'friend' and then turn my back on them in their most dire hour of need!
So I ask my readers, how could any professional, who claims to understand the suffering and promote its validity, turn away knowing without their help, there is no help available while continuing to call you friend? Am I truly the only one that's uncomfortable with that?
Here's the reason as explained by that very professional and the 'Dear Jane' letter that was written. Written not, in response to crowd funding but rather, patient dispute which was not the case. Just a convenient 'scape goat' to validate the unwillingness to react positively to a moment of impact that could've helped improve, the quality of life of a fellow human being.
"mplants are a big gray area in denyistry. A thought why dentists don’t want to get involved in patients disputes with other dentists. To do do you must have all the records and X-rays. Your Also going to have to spend time going over them. It’s almost certain the records are going to be incomplete. Then you would have to contact the doctor. No ones going to take the time to do this. Cost the patient just like an attorney for your time. Most want you to be a good guy and do it for free. Never happens. Then a rumor gets started your an enemy so watch out for you. Pretty soon your contacted by the local dental society to leave it to the system"
Dear Jane Letter:
"Its with a heavy heart that Im stepping away from the group and terminating my discussions. I have learned much from this group that is totally correct. On the negative side it has thrown my practice into a nose dive as an already conservstive philosophy has become watch and wait. My morale is at an all time low and I never realized depression could get such a strong hold on a person. Im making everyone miserable. I have some soul searching to do and perhaps its time to walk away from dentistry. Thank you for the many interesting conversations and occasional confrontation. I hope you find peace and resolution of your issues one day although i realize thats a tall order. Namaste!
Readers can only imagine the profound heartache to have someone who was so supportive publicly, to not only cut you off, but willing to cut off an entire social media community in need as well yet, continued to communicate. Continued to profess a friendship they chose to damage. Continued to admire & verbalize that admiration of the selfless efforts to help others while they stood idly by and did nothing as they monitored your continued suffering on social media.
To me, its ethically unconscionable and questions ones humanity especially given the situation to 'turn away' from a patient in need yet, it happens every day across all modalities. And to be honest here, I highly doubt, a soon to retire dental professional, asked to support crowd funding for a medically necessary intervention, would garnish much of a backlash. That's what makes it all the more disappointing to me but, I've had many disappointments in life and many wannabe hero's who forgot their caps and turned out to be zeros.
Life is for learning isn't it? Even if its the 'hard' way.
Okay so, let me 'recap' what you've just read and listened to via audio within the context of my story...
1. From the time I had the bone grafting and implants placed until the time I had the actual crown and bridgework installed, I had zero issues. No bone or tissue loss, no burning, redness, hives, or systemic issues, nothing.
2. The prosthodontist responsible for handling my restoration case, made a grave error in measurement that caused a discrepancy of 1/32 of an inch from the model to my mouth.
3. My chemical certificates, the actual advertisement from the PCD's website coupled with Richards 'recorded confirmation' I had all 'like' metals, (located on pg 3) without a doubt, demonstrate the fraud I suffered.
4. The audio (How they rip us off) by a PCD lab tech confirms how 'some' labs, despite advertising, actually fraudulently take advantage of an unwitting public. That deceptive practice continues to remain, not monitored.
5. Despite my documented and medically validated allergies, not one dental professional in the 6 years I begged for help (at cost, not for free) around the world, offered help, not one!