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My Dental Disaster

"If The Words Don't Add Up, It's Usually Because The Truth Wasn't Included In The Equation!"

My story begins after my upper jaw had deteriorated to the point of becoming what's known as a 'Dental Cripple'. Decades of bone atrophy caused a slue of problems including chronic headaches and in 2003, I entered into what's known as a complete Dental Restoration.

The procedure involved a 3 day stay in the hospital for a sinus lift and bone grafting from my hip to my upper jaw. The placement of 11 implants, 6 upper 5 lower and once healed, the next step was seeing the Prosthodontist to have the framework (crown and bridgework) created and then installed. Total price for the restoration a whooping $68,000 with another $6000 to replace material I suddenly had an immune response to.
The installation of that crown & bridgework is where my nightmare began.....
And that nightmare is two-fold. By that I mean, not only did my prosthetic not fit 'Passively' which is a major blunder on Dr. Van Dongen's part but the Bio-Compatible materials I was told I had and as advertised on Mr. Napolitano's web site, were substituted for cheaper, more problematic ones. 
Long story short, after a 9 year struggle for answers from the consistent dental issues and continuing declining health, I came to find based on attorney recommended evidence and the validation by several Dental professionals, I was deceived by both dentist (Dr. Craig VanDongen) and lab owner (Richard Napolitano of Knights Dental formally Precision Craft Dental).
To my knowledge, I am the ONLY dental patient of harm who can definitively prove my case was absolutely Dental Malpractice and Fraud. As you navigate thru my personal account, video, legally obtained audio and witness statements, the tragedy I suffered becomes blatantly obvious of how completely preventable it was.
The Dentist
I found out in 2014 by lab owner Mr. Napolitano (after getting fed up with Dr. Van Dongen) the "Vise-Grip" feeling I had been experiencing since the install, wasn't supposed to be there. I was told my removable prosthetic should've seated right away, clasps close, no discomfort. Or, in other words, 'Passively' fit.
To date, that has never happened.
When the dentist first saw that I had to bite down hard several times to get the clasps to close he should've immediately addressed the issue. Instead throughout the years and multiple fixes, Dr. Van Dongen never directly addresses my complaints as if to imply, no problem existed.
If your asking direct questions as a patient and your dentist is shrugging his/her shoulders without answers making you feel like its no big deal what are you left to think?
He's the professional right?
As a layperson, I ask my readers this question...
How could a dentist tell a patient year after year, "well, I, I could send it back to Richard (Napolitano) and say look it's rocking but it wasn't rocking on the model so"
and not think to investigate if his patient is expressing a problem?

Prosthodontist 2nd visit accompanied by Prominent Providence Prosthodontist
00:00 / 01:53

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If your bridgework is configured from the model that's supposed to be identical to your mouth and the prosthetic (Over-Denture) fits on the model but Rocks, in your mouth, wouldn't you think that to be a Red Flag that there was something seriously wrong?
Wouldn't it also be a Red Flag if every time the fixed bar (that's attached to the implants) caused you to exhibit serious signs of discomfort upon installing or removal? So much so you squirm in the chair and sometimes brought to tears!
Click the link below to listen to the discomfort I've endured since day one whenever the bar was removed or installed.


Appt Jan 2015Prominent Providence Prosthodontist
00:00 / 01:10

** L'audio di cui sopra è destinato alla visualizzazione solo su questo sito Web e contiene informazioni privilegiate ed esenti da divulgazione ai sensi della legge applicabile. Ogni ulteriore diffusione o copia di questa comunicazione è severamente vietata. Avvisami immediatamente tramite e-mail tramite la scheda delle informazioni di contatto se stai visualizzando questo tramite qualsiasi altro mezzo di comunicazione. Questo messaggio è fornito in conformità con la regola omnibus HIPAA del 2013. **

If I'm one (1) of a potential Thirty (30) patients in the United States with this dental device (validated by company rep) and the only one to my knowledge that exhibits this kind of discomfort, how could the Prosthodontist ignore the discomfort I've been experiencing since the install?

If stability is vital to ensure the longevity of the Implants and Dental Device, why wasn't the vise grip feeling and rocking issues I had been experiencing and complaining about for years ever addressed?

I went to my oral surgeon Dr. Ray English at the end of 2015 to express my concerns and when I posed a question asking how much movement should the Dental Devise have? He responded with: "None!"

Then I asked how much movement the fixed bar should have and Dr. English stated Oh no, the bar can't move. Notice in the audio how his assistant 'chuckles' as I try to explain in layman's terms, what I was experiencing. I found that to be very, unprofessional and a very 'common' response in this field. Anyway, Dr. English then checks the rocking I complain about, agrees the overdenture is rocking, and mentions he wishes it wasn't moving like that because it wasn't good for the implants over the long term!

NOTE: In the following audio I referenced a date of 2011 about the rocking issue, that was when I attempted to get the issue addressed (along with the monomer allergies) by having the material remade into a safer product, the rocking had actually started before that date.

Appt w Oral Surgeon Nov. 2015Rhode Islands #1 Oral Surgeon
00:00 / 01:23

** L'audio di cui sopra è destinato alla visualizzazione solo su questo sito Web e contiene informazioni privilegiate ed esenti da divulgazione ai sensi della legge applicabile. Ogni ulteriore diffusione o copia di questa comunicazione è severamente vietata. Avvisami immediatamente tramite e-mail tramite la scheda delle informazioni di contatto se stai visualizzando questo tramite qualsiasi altro mezzo di comunicazione. Questo messaggio è fornito in conformità con la regola omnibus HIPAA del 2013. **

As stated by the oral surgeon, Dr. Ray English in the audio, he wishes the prosthetic wasn't rocking because that wasn't good for the implants. The following videos demonstrate the 'rocking' that went on consistently for years, unaddressed.

Had I known and understood what 'passive fit' meant, I would've known the install was done incorrectly. This issue was repeatedly brought to the attention of Dr. Craig VanDogen (Prosthodontist), Dr. Ray English (oral surgeon) and the lab owner Richard Napolitano however, I was continually placated with quick fixes because unknown to me at the time, Richard SOLD the machine that created my bridgework. A restoration prosthetic he said, he was promoting vigorously because it worked, yet, a year after his statement, that was not what he conveyed. Sadly, I found that to be another 'discrepancy' of truth.

So the only movement that should've been noticeable as time went by, was the wearing down of the locator filament in the front that requires periodic upkeep. That would make the prosthetic loose in the front causing a vertical 'up & down' motion, not a side to side rocking motion.

These videos are from 2013 and 2014 but its been and continues to be, a long standing issue for which I can find no resolve.

The Lab

In a 'twist of fate', in the following audio, you'll hear PCD Lab owner Mr. Richard Napolitano actually 'subconsciously' admit, the bridgework was misaligned. He also understood the ramifications of metals 'rubbing' (that facilitated the release of metal ions) due to the misalignment and made 'several' promises after this recording to 'fix' the malfunction but never did. He also lied to both me and my witness about the 'type' of the metals used in my bridgework created by his lab. He did not manufacture the all Titanium bridgework as advertised on his PCD Dental website but instead, used the very metals he claimed he'd never use because of the nightmares it causes!
Why was I told one thing and given something he claimed to know was a nightmare for patients?


Conversation w:Richard,Tom as witnePCD Lab Owner
00:00 / 00:32

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Maybe this next 'key' piece of evidence is why? Listen to how to lab tech mentions the use, of 'alloys', to keep the price down unless specified by your dental professional.

Maybe the fact there is no oversight with regards to materials used in dentistry (aka Chemical Certificate) is the reason this fraudulent behavior is allowed to happen?

Maybe because the dental professionals are under no pressure to provide informed consent because there's no one to complain to?
And one more important note to mention here is, she validated a suspicion I had about the machine they used to make my system. She mentions how they hadn't used Begopal in 'Years' and why is that important? Because that's what my restoration system is called. 
In May of 2014, the lab owner 'claimed' he was selling this system to everyone because it worked and he believed in it. At an appointment in 2015, he first stated he thought he 'sold' the machine and later into the appointment, confirmed it.
So, within a year, he went from saying he was promoting the system everywhere because he believed in it to, selling the machine because it wasn't making any money. At a 2nd opinion, I was told by another prosthodontist it was a 'junk' system guaranteed to fail. Is that why there are only 30 ppl that have this German-made system here?

He knew what he sold me just like he knew about the galvanic corrosion in the metals he told me and my witness about in the above audio. He and Dr. Van Dongen, 'placated' me for years while I suffered day in and day out because Richard sold the machine! That's why all his promises to fix it, never panned out. I even remember one appointment where Dr. Van Dongen mentioned it didn't look like anything was done to the prosthetic after being at Richards lab for weeks.
Knowing how bad things got towards the end, I'm left to inherently wonder, was Dr. Van Dongen being deliberately vicious by altering my prosthetic so much, I couldn't speak without a noticeable lisp I didn't have before, nor close my mouth fully. And given he has a history of being abusive (validated on page 4 of my story) can my readers really blame me for questioning? If I was becoming a thorn in his side because I was piecing the puzzle together, wouldn't you wonder if he was a smiling assassin so to speak? Given the depths of my story, I certainly do!

Being fair to my readers, you do not have the benefit of knowing what transpired at our last meeting but, I hope to tell the tale soon and show the world just how apathetic these two professionals were towards my declining health, loss of my passion both emotionally & monetarily and the hopelessness I was left with. 

How They Rip Us (Patients) OffPCD Lab Tech
00:00 / 03:03

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To further confirm my case, here is audio by a prosthodontist I was referred to the following month after the November 2015 meeting. Despite being unwilling to replace a $20 filament for a locator on my prosthetic that would've provided 'some' longevity, I decided to ask her a direct question regarding the 'fixed' bar that's attached to the upper implants. I asked if any other patient who has this system, ever exhibited any discomfort when removing the bar?
Simply put, I had learned and understood what 'Passive Fit' meant and knew I didn't have it, she confirmed that by answering no. There should be no discomfort or pain upon installation or removal of the fixed bar period. And her validation of that by saying no should leave no question or doubt, this bridgework was never installed correctly.

Appt. Dec. 15, 2015 new prosthodontist.mProsthodontic Referral
00:00 / 00:10

** L'audio di cui sopra è destinato alla visualizzazione solo su questo sito Web e contiene informazioni privilegiate ed esenti da divulgazione ai sensi della legge applicabile. Ogni ulteriore diffusione o copia di questa comunicazione è severamente vietata. Avvisami immediatamente tramite e-mail tramite la scheda delle informazioni di contatto se stai visualizzando questo tramite qualsiasi altro mezzo di comunicazione. Questo messaggio è fornito in conformità con la regola omnibus HIPAA del 2013. **

Ora sto soffrendo di una salute estremamente grave a causa dell'avvelenamento da metalli insieme alle lotte quotidiane di malfunzionamento e deterioramento del lavoro dentale.

Senza le risorse per riparare il danno fatto e l'assenza delle cure dentistiche / mediche necessarie perché sono stato punito per aver parlato, diventerò di nuovo uno storpio dentale completo in un futuro molto prossimo.

Cadrò in un circolo vizioso di debilitanti emicranie, dolori ai seni, problemi alle orecchie e alla gola e l'elenco potrebbe continuare. Una pillola amara da ingoiare per una donna della mia età (50+) per avere la mia qualità di vita così gravemente limitata.

Si ritiene che gran parte di ciò che vado avanti quotidianamente sia l'unico risultato dell'avvelenamento da metalli. Eruzioni cutanee costanti, gonfiore della lingua, bocca secca e bruciante, perdita delle ghiandole sublinguali (saliva), perdita del gusto e / o gusto metallico, intorpidimento / formicolio e / o gonfiore alle labbra, stanchezza cronica, debolezza per non mangiare abbastanza, costante sensazione di "Vise-Grip" sul viso, problemi sistemici che vanno da orticaria / eruzioni cutanee sulla pelle, incapacità di mangiare senza sentirsi avvelenato, tosse costante, soffocamento e sputo espettorato ogni volta che mangio o bevo anche acqua, brividi eccessivi dopo aver mangiato indipendentemente dalla temperatura dei pasti, gonfiore e arrossamento delle mani, incapacità di tollerare i farmaci e l'elenco potrebbe continuare all'infinito !! Queste sono solo alcune delle cose che ora soffro senza risoluzione.

Il modo in cui è stato spiegato sia al proprietario del laboratorio che a me dall'allergologo è stato questo:

"Avere un'allergia ai metalli utilizzati nel restauro dentale è come avere un'allergia all'edera velenosa e ingerirla quotidianamente! Nel tempo, il tuo corpo inizierà a mostrare segni di risposta immunitaria e distruggerà il tuo sistema".

Come hai letto nel paragrafo precedente, è esattamente quello che mi sta succedendo!

Quando ho scoperto quanti metalli ci sono effettivamente nella mia bocca, sono rimasto sgomento perché alcuni dei quali sono considerati cancerogeni. Sono i seguenti: cromo cobalto, rame, gallio, oro, indio, molibdeno, manganese, palladio, rutenio, argento, stagno e zinco.

Nota che non vedi Titanium menzionato da nessuna parte nell'elenco nonostante il fatto che sia stato detto diversamente dal proprietario del laboratorio.

A parte questo, il fatto che mi sia stato ripetutamente detto da diversi professionisti, incluso il proprietario del laboratorio (che ha creato questo lavoro di ponte), che le misurazioni per un risultato positivo dipendono dall'accuratezza entro micron . In tal caso, trovare una discrepanza di 1/32 di pollice riflette che la barra fissa si sta effettivamente flettendo, oltre la sua capacità progettata. Questo di per sé ha posto le basi e ha causato il fallimento degli impianti a causa del sovraccarico. Questo fatto è stato successivamente convalidato da altri protesisti.

Purtroppo, mi ci sono voluti 9 anni per ricostruire il puzzle e questo era troppo tardi per la legge 6 anni. Dopo aver speso $ 74.000,00 in totale per i denti con cui ora lotto quotidianamente, la salute scivola via, la perdita della mia passione, degli amici e della vita familiare, sono rimasto devastato.

Nessun paziente dovrebbe essere costretto a usare la propria casa per pagare i servizi odontoiatrici, solo per essere deliberatamente ingannato e aspettarsi che paghi per intero per sistemare di nuovo questo lavoro dentale.

Ho sviluppato una seria risposta immunitaria alla maggior parte dei metalli usati nella mia bocca ei prezzi che ho ottenuto finora (qui negli Stati Uniti) solo per guadagnare qualche anno in più prima di affrontare più problemi, sono sbalorditivi. Quindi ho iniziato a esaminare il turismo dentale per il trattamento in quanto sembra la mia unica opzione praticabile.

Questo è ciò che ha scritto un dentista sul mio caso:

“Il tuo caso è complicato.

Se manteniamo gli impianti attuali, c'è la possibilità che continuino ad abbattersi nel tempo.

Se gli impianti vengono rimossi, si avrebbe una grande perdita ossea e sarebbe necessario un innesto osseo. Quindi è una decisione difficile da prendere. In definitiva, tu sei quello con una diagnosi e un piano di trattamento informati, devi scegliere da che parte andare. Entrambi i modi avranno pro e contro. In ogni caso, ci saranno alcuni compromessi funzionali ed estetici ed è importante che tu lo capisca. È necessaria una TAC per realizzare un buon piano di trattamento ".

Okay so, let me 'recap' what you've just read and listened to via audio within the context of my story...

1. From the time I had the bone grafting and implants placed until the time I had the actual crown and bridgework installed, I had zero issues. No bone or tissue loss, no burning, redness, hives, or systemic issues, nothing.


2. The prosthodontist responsible for handling my restoration case, made a grave error in measurement that caused a discrepancy of 1/32 of an inch from the model to my mouth.


3. My chemical certificates, the actual advertisement from the PCD's website coupled with Richards 'recorded confirmation' I had all 'like' metals, (located on pg 3) without a doubt, demonstrate the fraud  I suffered.


4. The audio (How they rip us off) by a PCD lab tech confirms how 'some' labs, despite advertising, actually fraudulently take advantage of an unwitting public. That deceptive practice continues to remain, not monitored.

5. Despite my documented and medically validated allergies, not one dental professional in the 6 years I begged for help (at cost, not for free) around the world, offered help, not one!

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